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"I feel bad," James whispered to Remus. "Why?" Remus whispered back. They were both on Sirius' bed, the furthest from Peter's. The dark red curtains were drawn around them, and they were going through a stack of Restricted textbooks on Apparition that Severus had obtained from the library with Professor Slughorn's permission.

"For leaving Peter out of everything." James flipped his book to the other page. His hand struck the Magic Lantern beside him on Sirius' pillow, on which A Picture of Dorian Grey still sat. James had covered it with Sirius' blanket so that Remus wouldn't keep staring at it.

"Shit," he cursed quietly, and corrected the lamp. Remus smiled briefly, and shook his head.

"We can't afford to drag him into this as well, James. Sirius wouldn't want any of us involved in the first place."

"Fuck, I miss him so much," James whispered. Remus sighed. "Me too."

They fell silent.

"Look," James whispered excitedly, pointing at his open textbook. Portals : How to Install read the title of the chapter. Remus put his book away and scooted closer. They read the contents eagerly.


"So if we use the Vanishing Powder, someone has to hold the Portal open. But if we use the Distravel Powder, we don't need to hold it." Remus explained to Severus.

Severus nodded his head. Lucius Malfoy was convinced that Severus was on their side now, after he had made Severus perform the Cruciatus on Sirius twice more. But he was still wary. The Honeyduke's cellar was their only safe place.

"The Distravel Powder is out of the question. We can't find a Basilisk Tooth in any ordinary shop. Professor Slughorn has one, but he carries it everywhere in his pocket," James said. "Besides, we don't need it. One of us can hold the portal open anyway," Remus reminded him.

"Give me the recipe for the Vanishing Powder. I'll make it," Remus quickly copied the recipe on to a piece of paper and handed it over to Severus. "It takes two days. Meet me here on Tuesday at midnight."


"Whom did you love?" Sirius rasped, not raising his head to look at the painting. He laid his head against the wall of the fireplace, wishing he could light a fire. He was so cold.

"What?" Rigel asked.

"You said your mother punished you for loving someone. Who was it?"

"A Muggle boy. Beautiful, he was. When she found out, she killed us both." Sirius raised his head now. A boy. Killed them both. Oh Merlin, my family is just perfect.

"She killed you?" He whispered. "She did. And went mad with the guilt. She loved me, Sirius," Rigel sighed. He didn't add the but that was to follow.

Sirius wondered if his mother would ever kill him. Probably not. Does she love me?

"Why was it such a crime?" Sirius asked. "To love a boy?"

"Is it not a crime anymore?" Rigel asked wistfully. Sirius sighed. "I don't know. I mean legally it's not, of course. But I guess some people don't like it. I love a boy, too. But none of my friends seem to mind."

"Like Severus?" Rigel asked. "Yes. Like Severus," Sirius agreed. "Is it the werewolf boy? What was his name... Romulus?"

"Remus, and yes. Were you watching the entire time?" Sirius closed his eyes. "I couldn't possibly sleep when they were hurting you like that, Sirius. It was terrifying. The Cruciatus... that was an awful thing to witness."

"Not much less awful to experience, either," Sirius let out a small laugh. His limbs ached. There were fresh cuts on his chest.

"Are you sleepy?" Rigel asked. "Not sleepy. Just very, very tired."

They fell into a comfortable silence. Rigel's company grounded Sirius. He had a deep, almost melodious voice.

They both jumped when the door opened. It was Severus.


"Your parents are moving back here. We need to get out before the Malfoys move you somewhere else," Severus said. He had told Sirius -and Rigel- how he had found the other end of the Portal.

"So we use it just like the Floo?" Sirius asked. "Yes. Except that you can access only one fireplace with it. But someone will have to keep the Portal open for me to come and get you." Severus twirled his wand in his fingers, watching Sirius frown.

"Don't worry. We have Lupin and Potter," he said. Sirius' head snapped up. "What? Severus, you... you promised!"

"I promised that they wouldn't get hurt."

Sirius rolled his eyes, and rubbed his temples. His fingers had an awful tremble to them that just wouldn't stop.

"When are we leaving?" He asked. "Tomorrow." Came Severus' reply.


"James? Remus?"

The two boys whirled around to look at Peter, who was standing pale-faced at the entrance of the Grand Hall. His blonde hair was still messy from sleep, blue eyes rimmed with red.

"Pete, hey," James said, surprised. Peter usually slept like a log. "What's going on?" He asked.

James looked at Remus, who sighed and nodded his head. James quickly explained what was happening. "We're getting Padfoot back?" Peter asked. James nodded.

"We shouldn't waste time. It's almost half past one," Remus said. "Severus must be coming with Sirius. Let's open it."

James nodded his head, and threw a handful of the Vanishing Powder into the fire. The orange flames immediately turned a bright purple.

"Aperio portum!" Remus pointed his wand at the fire. The flames rose towards his wand, and danced around its tip before fading into darkness. Remus realised that the darkness was actually the other side.

"Wow," Peter whispered, pushing his hand in. His fingers could detect the cold on the other side. He quickly pulled it back.

"It's one thirty," James murmured uneasily, looking at his watch. Remus frowned, "Severus said he'd be here by one thirty..."

"I'm going in," James reached forward. Remus stopped him. "I am not sending you in there alone, James. No way."

James looked at Remus, and then Peter, who for once understood what he was trying to say. "I'll hold it," Peter said, face set with a determination Remus had never seen before.

Remus and James looked at each other. Hesitantly, Remus lowered his wand. The fire blazed purple again. "Aperio porta, is it?" Peter asked. "Aperio por-tum," Remus corrected, "Just point your wand at the fire."

Peter did as he was told, and the fire revealed the dark basement of the Black Mansion once more. James and Remus looked at each other. "Together?" James asked.

"Together." And they stepped in.

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