Fifty - part one

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(12 years old)

"Piertotum locomotor!" James whispered, his wand pointed at the miniature model of a knight he held in his hand. Sirius, Remus and Peter all stared in awe as his wand glowed green. The knight stretched its tiny wooden arms and brandished its sword, and shook James' finger. The boys looked at each other, excited.

"You've got to teach us that," Sirius grinned, giving the knight his finger. It took hold of it, shook it, and gave Sirius a polite bow.

"I will. But do you guys know what this means?"

"Ambushing the Slytherins?" Remus laughed.

"So not what I was thinking, but that's actually a lot better." The knight was now shaking Remus' little finger. He had sheathed his sword.

"Let's do it for Halloween," Sirius proposed. They agreed.

"Your parents are the best, James. They teach you new spells every holiday! Mine only teach me Potions and minor Charms," Peter gushed, gently prodding the knight. It pulled its tiny sword out, and waved it a Peter.

"My parents teach me new spells too," Remus smiled. "That's not fair," Peter pouted. "Do your parents teach you magic during the holidays too?" He asked Sirius.

"Oh they teach me plenty," he replied bitterly. James lay a comforting hand on his shoulder. Sirius shrugged it off gently, not wanting to hurt James' feelings.

"Like what?" Peter asked dumbly. James threw him a glare, but it went unnoticed. Remus shifted, uncomfortable. "Like the Full-Body Bind and the Blasting Curse," Sirius shrugged.

"But-" This time, Peter noticed James' glare, and shut up.

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