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"Why won't they just-" James tried yet another curse on a dead body.

"- fucking -" This time, he tried knocking them back.

"- die?" He groaned when the three bodies that he'd managed to blast away crawled back to their feet, making their way towards him again.

"Because they're already dead, you bimbo," Sirius snapped. A blast of water shot out from the tip of his wand, wiping two bodies off of their feet. They too crawled back up.

"Severus?" He called, because he couldn't see him anywhere. "Snape!" He yelled again. "Busy!" Came the reply, from somewhere to Sirius' left. "Can you try that curse you used on the Malfoy chick?"


And a body was sliced neatly across the waist. It collapsed to the ground. Sirius grinned at James. "That was-" James stopped himself when its torso started to claw at the ground, dragging itself towards them. "Oh Merlin, that is disgusting," he backed away.

Sirius tried to warn him, but James crashed right into a grinning half-zombie-half-skeleton. He let out a very masculine shriek, and his wand accidentally shot out a jet of fire towards the dead thing. James scrambled back to Sirius' side, watching as it crumbled to a pile of ashes.

"Oh." Sirius said softly. James grinned at him. "You know what that means," he smirked, shooting another flame. "Try fire! They're inflammable!" He yelled. Remus and Severus followed his advice, shooting flame after flame out of their wands.

But there were so many of them, coming from all directions. Sirius' arm was hurting from throwing so many spells, and his head was pounding awfully with every flick of his wrist. He shot out a powerful Blasting Curse, one of his personal favourites, and managed to wipe out half a dozen or so bodies which quickly went up in flames.

"Tiring, are we?" Lucius taunted from behind his circle of dead bodyguards. "Don't worry," he laughed. "Plenty of dead to go around."

Sirius tugged at his collar. The heat was growing more and more intense. He thanked Merlin for the rain that had fallen in the afternoon. If not for the dampness of the trees, they would all have had caught fire by then. Some of them already had. Everything was lit in bright orange light as tall flames danced around them, emitting soft crackles.

"This isn't gonna work," Sirius told James. With every dead body that fell, a whole new wave seemed to appear. A sword cut through his arm, making him drop his wand. Hissing in pain, he picked it back up. Warm blood started to trickle down his arm.

"We've gotta get to Lucius somehow, James." James cast a worried glance at Sirius' wounded arm. He burned three more men before turning to Sirius. They were clear. For the moment.

"Did it get you? Let me see," he said, reaching for Sirius' arm. Sirius hissed in pain when James touched the wound. "Ah fuck, I don't know if-"

A loud wail cut through the forest, silencing him. It sounded like an aching, dragged out NO!. The two boys flinched, and looked up to find the source of the sound. "Please don't tell me there's more..." Sirius said tiredly.

"I don't think..." James got rid of a half burned dead body crawling towards them. The smell of burning flesh was nauseating. Sirius' heart made a painful jump behind his ribs as he followed James' gaze.

Standing in front of Lucius' protective circle of bodies was Walburga, her wand pointed at him. Sirius could only see half of her pale face as she screamed in what could only be raw agony. Her dress was torn at the skirt, and her hair was a tousled mess. She glowed warm gold in the light of the raging flames. Even the dead bodies had frozen in place at the pain in her cry.

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