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When James and Sirius stumbled in through the door, the earliest rays of the sun were already appearing in the sky. Everyone was still sleeping, of course. But when they came back after changing out of their uniforms, Remus was sitting up, rubbing his eyes.

"James? Sirius?" He whispered, and James hushed him with a finger to his lips. He walked over to Remus' bed and sat down. "We're gonna try and sleep a little before lessons." He stood up and moved to his bed.

Sirius crept over to his bed and crawled under the blankets. He turned to Remus, who was allocated the next bed, and threw the barely awake boy a wink. "See you... today in a few hours, Moony."


Their first lesson was Potions with the Slytherins. James and Sirius could barely stay awake. Remus had to try very, very hard not to slap them both. He was getting tired of having to wake them up every time Professor Slughorn would walk by.

"Professor Slughorn," A voice called from the doorway, causing James and Sirius to jerk awake. Professor Dumbledore stood at the entrance, and behind him, a rather distraught looking Professor McGonagall.

"May I borrow Mister Black, please? I fear it's rather urgent."

Remus watched Sirius' face turn into a frown. "Don't worry, Pads. It's okay," he patted his hand gently.

"Why, yes, of course. I suppose he's been causing trouble? I must say I'm not surprised, but I did expect better from a seventh year student," Professor Slughorn shook his head. A group of Slytherins started snickering. Remus saw James clench his fists, but Sirius only looke on, pale and worried.

"I wish he was causing the trouble, Professor," McGonagall snapped, and the Slytherins quieted down at the tone of her voice. "But I'm afraid he's on the receiving end this time," she turned to Sirius, and her gaze softened. "Mister Black, please, if you may."

Sirius stood up, and Remus was tempted to give his trembling fingers a reassuring squeeze. James stood up as well.

"James," it was Dumbledore who spoke this time. "Perhaps, it's best if you stay behind."

Remus knew that James would've followed Sirius if it were anyone other than Dumbledore who told him not to. He pulled James down to sit, and leaned in to whisper, "We'll go in and see before Herbology." James gave a curt nod, his eyes full of worry. From the next table, Lily Evans turned to him and smiled. It worked better than Remus.

Remus turned his head just in time to see McGonagall lead Sirius away, a hand placed on his back.


Sirius had a bad feeling.

A very bad feeling.

You could even call it an awful feeling, but it still wouldn't begin to cover what was going through his head.

Professor Dumbledore walked in front of him, and his lack of conversation worried Sirius. No matter what atrocity Sirius had been caught committing, Dumbledore had always smiled at him, cracked a joke, or recited a pun. Even his chastising always felt like friendly teasing.

Then why so quiet today?

Professor McGonagall's hand on his back felt warm and motherly. But then again, what would Sirius know about motherly? Her face was grave, her lips pursed.

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