Author's Note

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Well, there you have it. We've finally reached the end. I'm not sure what I might type in here, so apologies and cringe warnings in advance. I'm sorry, it's 2 am and my mind is too clouded with emotion to be writing this, but we just put a full stop to an almost ninety chapter long book so I think I can afford to be a little emotional.

(I'm actually very emotional right now. There's this thing in my chest and I might start crying. But you wouldn't know that, obviously.)

Before I say anything else, I just want to thank everyone who's shown their support. There hasn't been a single comment that I haven't read, and I don't know how, but I've found some great people through this book. There are so many of you, and I've tried to dedicate chapters for everyone that has managed to put a smile on my face. Which means a lot, because I'm so fucking sad all the time. I don't want to make a list here, because as I mentioned, there are just too many of you.

That being said, I absolutely have to mention adynthesnake and moonyislife here. They put up with my sorry ass outside of Wattpad, to which they have absolutely no obligation. Thank you two so much for that, and also for acting as my personal Harry Potter Wiki, especially adynthesnake. You saved me a great deal of Googling.

I've tried to get the facts as accurate as possible. Really, I spent literal hours on Harry Potter sites and wikis trying to get everything right. And I'm sure I've made mistakes, but I tried my best. Google helped. Thank you, Google.

I don't like doing long author's notes (I'm sorry about the one in chapter 75 for those of you who read it, it's not there anymore but your lovely comments are... I was admittedly not in the healthiest headspace that day. Not that I ever am lmao) but I want to make an exception for this book because it's been immensely personal for me. There's a lot of sad shit in here, and most of that shit comes from the remaining pieces of my sad, fractured heart, what can I do? It's my literal coping mechanism. Watch me spiral back into the pitch black void created by my crippling depression now :')

Joking aside. We all know this wasn't a very cheerful book... But you stuck with this 87-chapter-plus-epilogue long angst-fest until the end for some reason. You masochist.

Just kidding.

I love all of you. Messaging a couple of you and replying to your comments is roughly 90% of my social life. The rest is my mom. Sad, isn't it? But my mom's great. I love my mom.

I just wanted to say thank you. So I should've just said thank you and left it there. But apparently, concise is not a word yet in my vocabulary. Oh, well.


Thank you. And don't tell me that I don't have to say that because I do. Not for reading this shit, but for being so genuinely lovely and giving me some sense of belonging. I don't know if I could ever convey the depth of my gratitude with words, and I don't know if I could ever make you see how much your very presence means to me. In simple terms, I'm lonely and I'm tired and sometimes I want to die but there's no one to talk to so it sucks. (This is not a cry for help I swear)

Goodbye author's note, hello journal entry. Someone give me a lesson on how to avoid oversharing, please.

Anyway, I do have another book called Bewitched, which is also Wolfstar (duh) and it's a Wizarding AU. So it's J.K.'s world, but a little tweaked to my liking. And it probably won't be this painful to read. No promises, cause who the hell knows what my mind will cook up? It's about as predictable as the Sunday Times Sudoku. But if you want to check the other book out, please go ahead. It has four or five chapters. I might not upload for a while, though.

That's all from me, my loves.

Have a good fucking day, because those are hard to come by.

All the love I can give goes to you.

Your Author.
9th of December, 2019

Edit (A long time after) : In retrospect, this is really cringe-inducing. I'm so sorry. I swear I'm not actually this bad. Most of the time anyway.

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