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Sirius and Kreacher couldn't catch up to Regulus until they reached the Fountain itself. Regulus had left much earlier, and he was travelling alone which meant that he didn't have to kick his guide every few seconds. He was standing in front of the Fountain, which was inside a large cave. It had several tunnels at the back, leading to Merlin-knows-where.

At the entrance to the cave, Sirius stopped Kreacher. "Be quiet," he hissed, and pulled Kreacher behind a bush. Regulus was still standing, probably wondering if it was worth it. Sirius frowned and entered the cave. Kreacher followed him.

"Doubting your choices, little brother?" Sirius leaned against the wall of the cave. Regulus spun around, his eyes wide. "Sirius?"

"Yes, Sirius. What the fuck did you think you were doing?" Sirius walked towards him. Regulus looked at Kreacher. "You helped him?" He sounded betrayed. Kreacher looked down. "I had no choice, Master Regulus," he said sadly. "It's alright," Regulus said gently, and turned to Sirius. "We've just got to do this, and get out of here, okay? I have a bad feeling about this place, Siri."

"I'm afraid that feeling isn't unwarranted," someone said. They looked around, trying to figure out who it was, even if Sirius already had a pretty good idea.

"A theatrical escape, Sirius Black. I must admit that I had no suspicions regarding Snape. But that is of no consequence. He's truly with us now," Abraxas Malfoy stepped out of one of the tunnels Sirius had seen earlier.

"Come on out, Severus."

Sirius' heart shattered when Severus stepped out from behind him. His eyes were distant, not quite looking at anything as he walked. "He's been Imperiused," Regulus whispered. Sirius curled his fingers tightly. It made sense.

"The ring, boy," Abraxas started coming towards them. Sirius pushed Regulus back, blocking him from Abraxas. Kreacher too raised his hands to attack. Abraxas only laughed and pointed his wand at Kreacher. A swipe of his wand sent Kreacher flying into a wall, which he hit with a sickening thump before dropping to the floor.

Sirius flinched and raised Lucius' wand.

"Now, now," Abraxas sighed. "Let's not get carried away. Lucius!"

Lucius stepped forward out of a different entrance. Sirius secretly wondered if there were any more of them insids the tunnels, waiting for their cues. Not the time to make fun, Sirius.

Lucius had a long dagger in his hand, and his smile was so wicked as he looked at Sirius. Sirius felt his hands go cold, the soles of his feet suddenly heavy with lead. "Hello, Padfoot," Lucius grinned, and pulled Severus back, pressing the dagger close to his throat. The cave was whimpering around him, the stalactites shaking in fear, weeping drops of cold water on to his hair.

"The ring," Abraxas said calmly. Sirius felt Regulus move.

"That's right, boy. Just give it here."

"No. Don't go near him. Give it to me, I'll hand it over," Sirius held his hand out to stop Regulus. "You're in no position to call orders, Sirius Black. Regulus will bring me the ring. Come here, boy."

Regulus looked at Sirius almost apologetically, and stepped forward slowly. Abraxas smiled as the ring slipped into his palm. In a flash, Sirius pulled his wand out and aimed it at Lucius. In a burst of purple light, Lucius was forced to let go of Severus and the dagger, which clattered to the floor.

"Expelliarmus!" Sirius fired a second spell, removing his own wand from Lucius. He grabbed it quickly. His triumph didn't last very long. Sirius gasped when a sudden blast knocked him back. Abraxas nodded at Lucius, who scrambled to his feet, and walked over to his father.

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