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(This chapter is dedicated to moonyislife )

Remus placed the two steaming mugs of tea on the nightstand, and sat down next to Sirius on the bed. They had woken early, and Sirius had fallen asleep again after lunch.

"Hey, Sirius," Remus shook the sleeping boy. Sirius groaned and turned to face him, grabbing Remus' hand and curling around it. Remus smiled and shook his head. "If you don't wake up, I'm calling James."

Sirius groaned and peeled his eyes open. The dying sun painted the grey walls of their room a brilliant amber. "Ugh, I hate the sun," Sirius complained, but sat up anyway.

"You could use it, though," Remus challenged, eyeing his pale skin. "Please, that would ruin my aesthetic." Sirius rolled his eyes, took a sip of his tea, and put the mug back. Remus scoffed, "What aesthetic?"

Sirius huffed and went to push Remus away, but Remus caught his wrists. "Something about my aesthetic has to be right, because I've got you whipped." Sirius tried to pull back, but of course Remus was stronger than him.

"You're more whipped for me, though."

"Is that what you think, Lupin?"

"No, it's what I know."

"You're delusional."

"Why else would I be in love with you?" Remus smiled at Sirius, his eyes sparkling. Sirius only shook his head, unable to think of a response to that.

They ended up pressed against each other, their lips locked in a rather messy kiss. Remus pulled away for a fraction of a second, just so that he could slow it down. Sirius was sweet on his tongue and warm under his hands as he cupped his face to deepen the kiss.

There was no scarred werewolf inside that room. And there was no sad and abused boy there either. There was only Remus and Sirius, so real and so raw in their passion. They were trapped in some sort of bubble, a place not open for anyone else. Reserved for just them, close and warm and beautiful.

Remus could smell the flowers in Sirius' hair, could feel the curls brush his cheek and nothing had ever felt like that. Sirius was so much. He was the stars in the sky, he was ceaseless laughter and burning tears, he was long walks in the moonlight and he was the wind in Remus' hair. It was so pure, kissing him like that.

They broke the kiss and parted the slightest to catch their breath. Remus found himself staring at Sirius, all tousled hair and flushed cheeks, lips swollen pink. And there was something about that moment which made him so extant. As if everything else, every other second of their lives had been a bittersweet dream, and only now could Remus feel him fore real.

So Remus kissed Sirius again, kissed him until their mouths were sore and their hearts ached with the weight of their love. And he kept kissing him as their clothes fell, as they fell back on to the pillows and came together.

It was beautiful.

They were beautiful.

And nothing could've touched them there and then.


"I can't believe all five of us ended up in a little group like this," James shook his head, looking out of the carriage. "Well, I think we're the perfect team. Right, Sevy?" Sirius grinned, nudging Severus with his shoulder. He was sitting in between Remus and Severus. Remus was ignoring him, having chosen the massive book Orion had kindly lent him over Sirius. It was a little offensive, really.

Severus looked at him blankly. Sirius pouted and threw himself on to Remus' shoulder. "He treats me so coldly it freezes my sad, broken heart," he sighed loudly, covering his forehead with the back of his hand. Remus didn't respond.

"How do you put up with him?" Regulus asked James, looking mildly disturbed. The two of them were sitting opposite to the other three boys. "Pretending he doesn't exist helps," James replied gravely. Sirius gasped, "Et tu, James?"

Remus cracked a small smile at that, but didn't look up. The smile faded as he was claimed by the book again. Regulus and James looked confused, while Severus didn't seem to have any spare emotions to put on display.

"Everyone does want to hurt me, Remus," Sirius sighed again, loud and dramatic. "You make it too easy," James retorted.

Sirius gasped, a hand on his heart. "Sevy! Surely you must speak up for me. Do you not see this injustice?" Sirius shook Severus by the shoulder. Severus sighed and looked at Remus. He looked like he was in pain.

"I don't." He said, sparing a icy look at Sirius, who scoffed loudly. "Oh. That's understandable. My undeniable beauty has blinded you, as it has done to many before."

Regulus rubbed his cheek, exasperated. "You can't be fucking serious," James groaned. Sirius opened his mouth to say that he was Sirius, indeed, but he was interrupted by Remus dropping his book.

Remus bent down to pick it back up, his cheeks tinged pink. "I... how did-"

"Wait, what?" James covered his mouth with his hands. Regulus looked at them in confusion for a second. His face twisted into a grimace as realization dawned on him. "Oh Merlin, gross," he gagged.

James shoved him away, grinning. "Oh my fucking Polyjuice," he fanned himself, "You actually did it?"

Remus blushed a deep scarlet, and hid his face in his book. Severus looked on, slightly amused. Sirius only shrugged. James fucking squealed, taking Regulus by the shoulders and giving him a rough shake. "Did you see that? Oh Merlin, they're not even denying it!"

"James, you must be the gayest person in this carriage. And that's saying a lot, considering Sirius," Regulus pried James' hands off of his shoulders. James shrugged, and turned back to face his two best friends. Sirius wanted to slap that shit-eating grin on his face right off. It grew wider, "I just have one question. Who topped?"

His answer was an eight-hundred page book square on his nose, courtesy of Orion Black.


Author's Note

It's 6am and I've been awake since yesterday, so... there might be some typos, sorry. I also have a new cover for this book cause this one's pretty ugly... just letting you guys know before I change it.

Also... I cAN't wRiTE sMuT I'm sORrY

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