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"Professor Moony," Sirius grins as he gently pries the old textbook from Remus' scarred fingers. He moves closer to Remus, resting his chin on his palms. Remus hasn't brushed his hair since he got a letter from Dumbledore offering a teaching position for Defence Against the Dark Arts. That was a week ago. He has almost a whole year until he would start. "You're gonna turn into a hag yourself if you keep reading about them so much."

"I'm not a Professor yet," Remus smiles, moving a stray curl that has escaped Sirius' bun to sit behind his ear. It stubbornly moves back into his face. "And it's Professor Lupin, thank you very much."

Sirius laughs softly and leans forward to kiss him. More than four years of kissing Remus has still not managed to make it feel any less captivating than it did the first time. Remus pulls Sirius closer, sitting up to wrap his arms around him.

"Come on, James and Lily will be here soon with Harry." Sirius' eyes sparkle as he tugs Remus out of bed.

"There's actually some great news," Sirius adds, pulling a massive cake out of the oven. They discovered his secret knack for baking when he baked James a fish flavoured cake to present Lily with as a joke. It did end up with James getting a rather nasty Jelly-leg Jinx, but the cake was perfect in terms of texture and appearance. But obviously not the taste, which, thankfully, Remus managed to avoid experiencing.

Sirius waves his wand to cool the cake and starts covering it with frosting. "What is it?" Remus asks, dipping his finger in the bowl to steal some of it. Sirius smacks his hand, laughing. "You'll be having some great company at Hogwarts."

"Who is it?" The frosting is great, and its sweet coffee flavour makes Remus tingle all over.

"You'll never guess."

"Is it Lily?"

"No...no, it's our dearest Sevy!" Sirius is laughing again, which makes Remus break out into a wide smile. "Really? Let me guess what he's going to teach. Potions?"

"Shocking, isn't it?" Sirius kisses his cheek and puts the cake away.

Number 12, Grimmauld Place is barely recognisable now. Sirius and Remus had to get rid of too many cursed objects, and some rather obnoxious paintings were still stashed in a store room. When Lily and James turn up, Sirius almost grabs baby Harry from their hands.

"Look at my godson!" He laughs, throwing him in the air. "Sirius!" Lily frowns. "Sorry," Sirius says, sounding not very sorry at all, and takes Harry close to the fireplace, where a familiar painting sits next to a potted succulent which -no, whom- Sirius calls  Pierrot.

"Hey, Harry," he smiles, "Look, it's old man Rigel. Say hi!" He gently waves Harry's chubby hand at the painting. The man in the painting opens his eyes. "I'm not an old man-" his eyes soften as he sees the baby. "Harry Potter, we meet again. He grows so fast, doesn't he?"

"Up for a Firewhisky, Prongs?" Sirius asks James. "Always, Pads."

They watch Lily and Remus play with Harry. "How's the book working out?" James asks. Sirius is researching Lycanthropy with his uncle, and working on a book that would inform the Wizarding community about werewolves, absolve the myths and stigma surrounding them, and hopefully change the Wizards' negative perception of them as well.

"Almost done. Severus told me of a new potion, which helps werewolves keep their mind when they transform. He's been trying to find the recipe for Remus."

Sirius turns back to Remus, who's now being subjected to Harry's probably-not-the-most-gentle-of-touches kicking. "Don't laugh, do something!" He complains as Lily giggles at them. She takes Harry back into her arms and rocks him gently, making him give her a toothless grin. Remus sinks down on to the couch beside Sirius. "Give me that," he demands, grabbing Sirius' Firewhisky. "Whoa, slow down, Professor. You haven't even met the kids yet," James teases him. "I pray he won't find any like you, for his sake," Lily says from the floor. "He definitely will not. We're one of a kind." James swings an arm around Sirius.

A moment later, Sirius stands up and goes to the door, hearing someone. Last year, it was Kreacher who welcomed the guests for their small Christmas gathering. But Sirius let him go at the end of the year. He still turns up with small gifts, especially chocolates for Remus, but is no longer their servant. Of course he loves Remus. Who doesn't?

"Sevy!" Sirius pulls his friend into a hug. "Black," Severus spares him a small smile. His cheeks are cold. "Come on inside," Sirius closes the door and tugs him into the living room. After everyone's exchanged their greetings, the attention shifts to Harry, who's now curled up in Sirius' arms.

"He's going to be a great wizard when he grows up. Oh, we've got to teach him Quidditch," Sirius kisses his forehead. Harry squeals, kicking his little legs in delight. "Look how excited he sounds already!"

"Sirius, he's two years old." Lily deadpans.

"Never too early to make Quidditch arrangements. Are we sending him to Hogwarts?"

"We did talk about Durmstrang-"

"No way," Remus huffs, letting Harry grab his index finger. Sirius nods, "Yeah, Evans- I mean Potter, both Potters. No way. If you're sending him to Durmstrang, we're going to abduct him and elope to Dumbles' office."

"I said we talked about it," Lily rolls her eyes, leaning against James, who kisses her hair. "Of course we're sending him to Hogwarts," he says, taking a sip of his drink. "Especially when there's our own Professor to look after him."

"Two Professors," Sirius smiles, nodding at Severus. Lily lets out a squeal, kissing Severus' cheek as she showers him with congratulations.

Sirius watches his friends in silence as they laugh and crack silly Christmas jokes. He feels a small pang of sadness in his chest when he remembers Regulus, who should be there making heart eyes at Severus and looking away at the instance of eye contact.

And Remus knows. The moment Sirius' smile falters the slightest, he knows. So he wraps and arm around Sirius and pulls him close, pressing the sweetest of kisses on the top of his head, that same spot he's kissed so many times by now.

It's almost three in the morning when the Potters take the Floo back home. Soon to be Professor Snape retires to a room that's practically his by now, because he spends so much time with Sirius and Remus. Sirius calls them the Three Mus-gay-teers. Not that darling old Sevy is gay. But who knows? One can always hope.

"Padfoot," Remus whispers just before Sirius pulls the covers over himself. "What is it?" Sirius sits up. Remus is standing by the window. "Come," he calls. Remus Lupin is the only person who can make Sirius climb out of bed at half past three in the morning with just one word.

"Is that..."

"Snow," Remus confirms with a smile. He turns to take Sirius' face in his hands, and connects their lips in a long kiss. Sirius holds on to his arms as they pull away. Above them, the stars shine brighter, so much brighter as they witness the lovers. Lovers just like so many others before, yet so unique in their own way, with their own story. They watch in silence as they kiss again, like they've seen so many others do, but they will never tire of lovers kissing.

They will never tire of love.

"You were wrong," Sirius whispers as they part. Remus rests his forehead on Sirius'. "What do you mean?" He lets his fingers get lost in Sirius' hair.

"A long time back," Sirius raises his hand to trace the scar on Remus' cheek, "You told me that we don't choose our family. But you were wrong."

Sirius claims Remus' lips again.

"We do choose our family," his voice is so quiet, Remus can barely hear him.

"And you're mine. I choose you, Remus. I'll always choose you."

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