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(This chapter is dedicated to MaraudersAreLife... now REMUSexual )

"This will be our last Christmas together..." James said wistfully as he stretched his legs towards the fire. Sirius stared at the amber flames sadly. He was going to miss his school.

"This term really flew by, didn't it?" Remus asked. "For you it did," Lily replied. There were two days left until holidays would start. "Shall we go for breakfast, then?" James stood up after a small silence. They made their way over to their table in the Great Hall and sat down.

Sirius was wondering if he could sneak the remaining half of his sausage on to James' plate without Remus noticing, when the owls started to come in. To his surprise, a rather grandiose one perched on his shoulder. It had been literal years since he had received a letter.

The Black family crest was proudly pressed into the green wax sealing the letter. Sirius opened it with his still-shaking hands.

"It's father," he told Remus and James, who had stopped eating to see what was going on. "He wants me home for Christmas."

Sirius had spent every Christmas so far either at Hogwarts or at the Potter Residence. From what he could remember, Christmas at Grimmauld Place was never half as fun.

"That's great, Sirius," Remus smiled at him. "Yeah. Who knows, maybe we can visit this year. Besides, Reg will be there." James nudged him. "And Severus too, apparently," Sirius shrugged, "Father seems to like him quite a bit."

"So you won't be lonely at all," Remus noted. Sirius nodded, probing the sausage -what was left of it- with his fork.

"Have they moved back to Black Mansion 1.0?" James asked. Sirius nodded again. "Oh, boo," James pouted. "I liked 2.0 a lot better."

"You're not alone on that, Prongs." Sirius scoffed, and passed the sausage to James as quickly as he could.


"Soo, Sevy," Sirius nudged his new friend with his shoulder. Severus sighed. "What do you want, Black?" He grumbled. Regulus was fast asleep inside the carriage. "Attention. I'm bored," Sirius grabbed his arm and shook it. Severus sighed again, louder. Why did I sit next to him?

"Do you have a dozen different personalities? I almost wish you'd get back to pining over Lupin."

"That's very mean, Sevy," Sirius refused to relent. "Will you stop calling me that?" Severus groaned. "Uhm," Sirius tapped his chin with his finger, "Let me think..." he paused dramatically.

"No." Sirius grinned.

Severus sighed for the third time and looked over at Regulus, wishing he'd just wake up. "Oh c'mon," Sirius pouted, "Are you only ever nice to people when they're facing potential death?"

"No," Severus looked at Sirius with those dark, once almost soulless eyes of his. "I'm never nice."

"Who are you trying to fool? Somewhere in there," Sirius gently poked Severus' chest, "You have a heart that's about as hard as a marshmallow."

Severus pushed his hand away. "If my heart is to be compared to sweets, I think what you're looking for is more on the same page as rock candy."

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Oh yes," he cleared his throat, "I'm Severus Snape, and I have a rock hard heart. I must be cold and emotionally unavailable all the time because that makes me so imposing and scary," he teased.

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