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( This chapter is dedicated to fanfiction_fluff_ )

"So... Did you think about it?"

Sirius raised his bottle labelled Pumpkin Juice to his lips. Remus suspected it to contain something else. They were sitting at the bottom of a deserted staircase, enjoying their last bit of peace before school resumed the next day. Sirius was sitting one step above Remus, which gave him a false sense of being tall. It was a welcome change, looking down to meet Remus' eyes instead of craning his neck up.

"Think about what?" Remus picked a raisin out of his chocolate and chucked it away. Sirius laughed at him and vanished it with his wand. "Just eat a different chocolate, Moony."

"What? And put this one to waste? No way."

"You could just give it to me... I hear chocolate and Firewhisky produce a most delightful marriage-"

"So that's what you're drinking," Remus frowned. Sirius widened his eyes in an exaggerated manner, parting his lips to demonstrate his shock, "What? Me? No..." Remus let out a small laugh, shaking his head at Sirius' antics. "Sirius, you're not allowed to drink at school..."

"Oh? How many points will Gryffindor lose for that one, Prefect?" Sirius laughed, tapping Remus' badge with his wand. Remus traced his chin, pretending to think. "Definitely ten."

"That's alright, cause I'll be getting five points for my exquisite beauty," Sirius put his bottle down to flip his hair, "And five for my undeniable charm," he gripped Remus' chin to turn his face up, "And at least a glorious fifty for taming a wild, uncontainable, terrifying lycanthrope." He moved his hand on to the back of Remus' neck, pulling him into a kiss.

"So what was I supposed to think about?" Remus asked as they pulled away, slightly out of breath. "About what I asked in my letter," Sirius pouted. Remus smiled as he remembered it. "It's probably awful, like all your so-called jokes, Sirius."

Sirius jerked backwards, a hand on his heart. "I... I-" he paused, dropping his hand. His eyebrows came together in a frown. "Remus," he said softly, all traces of humour drained from his voice. "What is it?" Remus asked, looking around. "Do you... Do you not hear that?"

Remus focused on his hearing, trying to make out whatever sound Sirius could've been referring to. All he could hear was the distant chatter of reunited students and the occasional howl of laughter. "What is it, Sirius?"

Sirius looked at him, still frowning. "The sound of my heart breaking, duh."

Remus could only stare at him for half a second before they both doubled over in a wave of laughter, loud and free as it bounced into the walls and rose up again.

"I walked right into that, didn't I?" He rested his head on Sirius' shoulder. Sirius turned to kiss his forehead. "You did. So which reindeer is a dinosaur's least favourite?"

Remus closed his eyes and pressed closer to Sirius. "Dunno," he said, putting the chocolate away. "Oh come on, Moony," Sirius pleaded. "Fine, which one is it?"

"No, give me some more enthusiasm."

"Okay. Which one is a dinosaur's least favourite reindeer, Padfoot?"

"Hmm," Sirius smirked, looking at Remus as he opened his eyes again. "I wonder..."

"And the answer is," Sirius paused with a grin, "Comet!" He burst into a fit of thirteen-year-old-with-a-crush giggles, moving away from Remus and almost knocking his Pumpkin Juice / Firewhisky bottle over. Remus sighed and covered his face with his hands. "Merlin save us," he said, sounding pained.

"Come on, Moony," Sirius wiped his eyes and burst into more thirteen-year-old giggles. "It's... It's bloody glorious!" He pressed his face into Remus' shoulder as he tried to contain his laughter. Remus shook his head gravely. "Gloriously pathetic," he said.

Sirius looked up with a frown. "No..."

"Oh yes," Remus said firmly, "What if it's a suicidal dinosaur? Surely, Comet would be its absolute favourite."

Sirius looked at Remus as if he was crazy. "Moony," he murmured, pressing a hand on to Remus' forehead. "That was dark... Come, let's go to Madam Pomfrey. My poor, poor baby. Maybe it was all the Christmas cake..."

"You know what would make it better, though?"


"A kiss," Remus smiled, "we are under the mistletoe after all." He pointed upwards, where, sure enough, a sprig of mistletoe which Sirius could've sworn hadn't been there before was hanging from the ceiling.

"I'd kiss you under a poison ivy, Lupin." Sirius laughed as he pulled Remus close, capturing his lips with his own. They didn't see the old Professor round the corner and stop herself just before they could hear her. She couldn't help that her cheeks burned as she quickly turned around. And as she did so, she might've known what exactly was in that bottle of Pumpkin Juice. But she decided that if they could survive an army of the living dead, a sip of Firewhisky would probably not cause any long lasting damage.

Most importantly, though, Professor McGonagall was going to be twenty galleons richer, courtesy of Madam Pomfrey.

Smiling to herself, she walked away, leaving the two boys to themselves, immersed in their own little world in a corner of the school that had taught them so much. They were young and they would leave for a different world soon enough, where they'd have to face the worst of prejudices and the worst of hatred. But they also had the strongest armour of all. Love. It would guide them and give them purpose. It would heal their wounds and erase their scars. It would drive them forward and give them strength.

And on top of all of that, love would lead them to each other. It would always lead them to each other.

The end.

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