Twenty - part one

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(12 years old)

"Sirius!" James came running towards him, and grabbed his arm before he could enter the Gryffindor Tower.

Sirius followed his best friend to the Quidditch Pitch, which was covered in soft snow. They were in the middle of Christmas break. "You know how... how Remus disappears to see his mom every month?" James asked.

Sirius nodded, confused.

"Ever notice how it's always on full moon nights? And how he comes back with awful cuts?"

Sirius nodded again.

"I think... I think he's a werewolf," James whispered. Sirius' eyes went wide. He opened his mouth to protest, but stopped himself. It made sense.

"Does Peter know?" He asked instead. "No. I felt like telling you first." They smiled at each other.

Remus... a werewolf?

"Should we ask him about it?" Sirius asked. James nodded thoughtfully. They ran off to find Peter.

"No way! He's so nice, there's no way he's... a... a..."

"Shh, Peter!" James hissed. They were in the common room. Remus had gone to see his mother, who was sick.

The first thing the three friends did the next day was scour the library books for a cure for lycanthropy. There were none. None at all.

But they didn't really care.

When Remus came back, he was sent to the hospital wing. There was an ugly gash right across his face. He smiled weakly at his friends, who were hovering by his bed. The cut healed, but the scar didn't.

He was discharged two days later.

"Hey, Remus," James slung an arm around Remus' neck. Remus hummed in response.. He was curled up in a chair by the fire, a large book in his hands and a mug of chocolate beside him.

Sirius was pressed to his side, sneaking occasional glances at the book. James had draped a massive blanket over their shoulders, and taken a picture of them.

They didn't mind. It was warm.

Peter and James were chatting by the fire. They were sitting cross-legged on the floor.

James looked at Sirius, who gently shook Remus by the shoulder. "Remus, we have something to say to you."

Remus finally looked up. All three friends were staring at him. His cheeks flushed pink. "What is it?" He asked, snuggling closer to Sirius.

"We... we know what..." James struggled.

"We know why you disappear every month." Sirius finished for him. Remus drew away from him, green eyes focused on the floor. "Yeah... I've told you that..."

"No. That's not the truth, is it?" James asked.

Remus paled. "You're a werewolf!" Peter joined in. Both James and Sirius glared at him. He shrugged at them defensively.

"I... I'm..." Remus went to stand up, but Sirius grabbed his arm.

"Don't panic, Remus. It's okay. We're not... We're not going to hurt you. We don't mind thaf you're... a werewolf." Sirius said gently. Remus stopped fighting. His green eyes were full of doubt as he looked at Sirius.

"Promise?" He whispered.

"Promise!" All three of his friends grinned at him. "We actually think it's kind of cool," James added. Remus looked down, blushing.

"We'll help you out when you get your time of the month," Sirius laughed. They all burst out laughing except for Remus, who glared at him.

"Oh come on, Moonyboy," Sirius pouted, pinching Remus' cheek. Remus swatted his hand away. "Moonyboy?" James giggled, and they all burst out laughing again.

"Remus Moonyboy Lupin. It sounds great!" Peter said in between in giggles. "No... It's weird..." Remus mumbled, cheeks bright scarlet as he tried to suppress a smile.

"You're going to be Moony from now on." James stated, and Remus shrugged. He let himself smile, and snuggled back against Sirius. "Fine, Pothead."

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