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Sirius' throat went tight as Severus quickly released his hands and instead pressed his jaw, forcing his mouth to open. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he pressed his hands to Severus' chest to push him off. He almost pushed Severus away, but stopped himself.

Something warm and bitter was trickling into his mouth. As soon as it was over, Severus pushed himself off of Sirius. Sirius forced himself to swallow the bitter liquid, whatever it was. Not a moment later, warmth spread throughout his body, and the pain he was feeling receded to a dull, distant sensation.

Sirius looked up at Severus, not knowing what to say. A tear fell down his cheek. He opened his mouth to say something... to ask him why, to ask him what was going on, to thank him... but Severus stood up. Before Sirius could even make a sound, Severus swiftly turned and left the room.


Lily sighed as she looked over at James. Sirius had gone home three weeks ago, and James had been awfully quiet ever since. "James?" She touched his shoulder. He raised his head to look at her. They were in the Courtyard, Transfiguration textbooks open, but she knew he wasn't reading them.

James gave her a small smile, and she laid her head on his shoulder. "What's going on?" She asked softly. He kissed her hair. "I don't know, babe. I really don't know," he whispered. She pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek. He hadn't shaved.

"You can tell me anything," she said gently. "But you don't have to. Just... if you need help... with anything, you'll tell me, won't you?"

James nodded his head. He needed help, but with what?

Lily smiled at him, and his heart eased a little. Lily's smile had its own way of making him feel invincible. Like he could do anything. Anything. Even finding Sirius. He had to find Remus.


Sirius raised his head when the door to the room opened. It was Severus, alone.

Sirius watched him, quiet. What was he supposed to say? What was Severus doing? Which side was he on?

"Drink," Severus said softly, even if no one was there. Silver rays of the moon fell into the room through a series of small slits high up in the wall. Sirius took the small vial from Severus' hand.

"What is it?" His voice was stronger, owing to the lack of pain he was feeling.

"Antidote to Veritaserum. They're going to give it to you tomorrow. I can't delay it any longer. This will counteract its effects."

Sirius nodded his head, uncorked the vial and drained it of its contents. Silence fell, heavy with unanswered questions and tense with bottled up emotion.

"What day of the week is it?" Sirius whispered instead of all the questions dying to be answered.

"It's Friday." Severus said softly, not meeting his eyes.

"Any news of Regulus?" Sirius asked in another whisper. Severus only shook his head. "Remus?" Sirius asked. "They're safe."

Sirius nodded. Remus would transform on Tuesday. "Why did you tell them about him?" Sirius couldn't be angry. He wanted to, but he just couldn't. "I didn't, Sirius. I didn't tell them anything."

"They know about me being an Animagus," Sirius leaned his head on the wall. It was cold inside the room. He looked at the painting above the fireplace. It was almost eerie, how much the man looked like himself.

But then again, his family had always married from the same families. Everyone looked more or less the same.

"They know a lot of things," Severus sighed. "They must've watched you for a long time." Sirius was filled with guilt. Remus' secret was out because of him.

"Let me see your wounds," Severus said. Sirius unbuttoned his shirt, torn and bloody. Severus winced when he saw all the dried up blood. Sirius' wounds had started to heal, because of the magic in his blood, but new ones were being added too frequently for his body to handle on its own.

Severus got rid of the blood with a wave of his wand, and closed the cuts. "I can't do too much. They'll notice."

"Reparo," he mended the rips on Sirius' shirt, but let the blood stains remain. "I'm sorry I can't do anything more."

"It's more than enough," Sirius whispered. "Thank you."

Severus sighed again, and leaned his head on the wall as well. Sirius buttoned his shirt again. "I brought you a frog," Severus said. Sirius took it gratefully. The chocolate melted on his tongue, warming his entire body. Merlin, he missed Remus so much.

"What do they want with the Ring?"

"I don't know. Try not to think about it. If you think of it, Malfoy might be able to use your thoughts to make you think of wherever you hid it."

I didn't hide it. Sirius nodded anyway. He turned his head to look at Severus. "You really need to work on your kissing skills."

"Do I?" Severus' lips quirked up in the smallest hint of a smile. If it could even be called a smile.

"Yeah. Something's lacking in terms of technique," Sirius let himself smile as well. He hadn't realised until then how lovely it was to do it. How beautiful it felt. It was strange, how things you always took for granted could become so precious like that.

"I wasn't trying to kiss you, Black. Lupin would kill me," Severus said. Sirius shivered as he remembered how helpless he'd felt with Severus holding him.

"I thought you were. It was terrifying," he whispered. "I'm sorry. I couldn't tell you, because the draught was in my mouth."

"Right," Sirius laughed. "They don't trust me completely yet. I couldn't bring a vial inside... they didn't even let me bring my wand," Severus sighed yet again. Sirius wanted to ask him how he'd gotten involved in all of this, but Severus was already standing up. "I have to get back. I sneaked into the Shrieking Shack and apparated here. Malfoy might notice me gone."

Sirius watched him leave, his spirits already dropping. He sighed and closed his eyes. He was by no means safe, and he still had so many things to worry about, but the knowledge that Severus was still there put him at ease.

He let himself fall asleep, somewhat comforted after a long time.

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