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Sirius had always had a certain conspicuity about him. Everywhere he went, he shined. It was in his posture, his figure, his air. Anyone and anything around him simply served as a backdrop to exalt his own self. It was not intentional, simply a sign of his heritage. The blood in his veins was powerful; unbroken generations of pure magic, not interfered by muggles or muggle-borns or even half-bloods.

Or maybe it was because Remus was hopelessly in love with him.

Remus walked towards him in a few quick strides, forcing himself to stay calm. Sirius was smiling at him the whole time, casually leaning against the wall, grey eyes sparkling. The closer he got, the harder it became to focus on anything else but Sirius.

He took a couple steps forward to meet Remus, and his hair settled on his shoulders once again, although still messy. Silver drops of rain sparkled like crystals against the dark curls they were sitting on. His face looked even paler when it was framed by his black hair. His white shirt was unbuttoned at the top, collar turned up, and untucked from his skinny black jeans on one side. The skin over his collarbones shined due to water spray.

He looked so beautiful.

"Remus," he breathed out, hands grabbing Remus' arms. He pulled him towards the window. Sirius said something, but he didn't hear.

How could he act like everything was fine?

"Remus?" Sirius called again, his long fingers moving Remus' damp hair back. The two of them had always been very tactile with each other, as James used to point out often. Seeing Remus' dark eyes, Sirius' face lost some of its light. "What's wrong?"

Remus wondered if it was too late to change his mind.

Sirius pressed a hand to his face, looking up at Remus, the worry evident in his eyes. His eyelashes looked thicker due to moisture, small droplets of water clinging to their ends.

Remus felt an odd sense of déjà vu as Sirius placed his hands on his face. "Remus, say something, please."

Say something? Like what? Obliviate?

They were so close to each other now. He could faintly smell the smoke on Sirius' fingers. If he leaned in just a little bit more...

No. Not again.

Remus pushed him away with force, sending him crashing into the wall. Sirius placed his palms flat against the wall to steady hinself, looking at Remus with his lips parted in shock.

"How dare you," Remus growled. The anger in his own voice surprised him. Sirius pushed himself off of the wall, about to approach him again.

"Don't you dare, Sirius. Don't you dare come any closer." Remus pulled his wand out and pointed it at his best friend. Its tip grazed his throat.

"Remus," he whispered. "What are you doing? Put your wand away," he pleaded, voice shaking. Remus knew that it wasn't fear. Sirius could easily pull his own wand out. How dare he act so hurt?

"Put it away? Like you put yours away after casting a Memory Charm on me?"

The effect of realisation on Sirius' face was unmistakable. He started shaking his head, and stepped forward. Remus jabbed his wand forward, pressing it into his throat. Sirius flinched.

Remus wanted to throw his wand out the window and pull Sirius into his arms.

"How could you?" He yelled instead.

"Remus, please-"

"No! How could you, Sirius? You had no right!" Remus pulled his wand back. Sirius rushed forward.

"Don't touch me!" Remus' wand clattered to the floor as he grabbed Sirius' collar slammed him back into the wall.

Sirius' eyes shined with tears. "No... no, please, no," he whispered, shaking hands gripping Remus' jumper.

"I told you not to touch me," he growled, removing one hand from Sirius' collar to pry Sirius' fingers off.

"Please, Remus," Sirius whispered. A tear fell from his eye and rolled down his cheek.

"Please what, Sirius? Please what? Please forget that you took my memory? Please believe you had a reason for it? Please what?" He forced his voice to stay under control.

Sirius shook his head again, his lower lip trembling. "Remus," he gasped, and his head dropped forward on to Remus' shoulder. A soft sob racked through his body.

Remus stepped back. If he watched Sirius cry, he would break down crying along with him.

"Remus, I'm sorry," his shoulders shook.

Remus took another step back as Sirius fell to his knees. "Please." It hurt so much to see him cry like that. Remus felt a lump rise up in his throat, and the burn of tears in his eyes. He forced himself to look away, and picked his wand up from the floor.

"Remus," Sirius pleaded. "Remus!"

He was still crying when Remus finally walked away.

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