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Remus tried not to take it to heart when Sirius and James didn't appear at Transfiguration. Instead, he concentrated on McGonagall's voice.

When they also failed to show at Herbology, he had to try harder. At least he had Peter.

After Herbology was Arithmancy, which Sirius took but James didn't. When Remus walked in, the classroom was empty. Empty except for a boy sitting at the back with his legs stretched out on the desk.

His head was tossed back, hair twisted in what one had to be quite generous to call a messy bun. He was twirling his wand in the fingers of his right hand, his left hand resting on the desk with a burning cigarette clutched in his fingers.

Remus tried not to look at the angle of his jaw, or the exposed skin of his neck. He cleared his throat. Sirius pulled himself straight, and threw a lazy glance his way.

"Moony, hello," he took a drag from his cigarette. Remus frowned. "Put that away, Sirius," he all but growled. Anyone could walk in. Soon, the other students would be there.

"Or what? Will you take away five points from Gryffindor?"

"No, I'd take ten," Remus strode towards Sirius, and pointed his wand at the dreaded object. Sirius sighed when it burst into a cloud of brilliant blue sparks. "And get your feet off the desk," Remus added, pushing Sirius' legs off the desk, at which the boy let out a small cry of protest.

Perhaps Remus wouldn't have been so angry if Sirius had turned up for his classes in the morning. In any case, Remus didn't see why he and James had to insist on being so... so vexatious.

"Remus," Sirius stood up, and grabbed the taller by his hand. Remus tugged it free. "Oh come on, Moony. Is this about us missig lessons? I thought you'd be used to it by now," Sirius grinned, and grabbed Remus' hand again. This time, Sirius pulled Remus towards the door.

"No, Sirius! I don't care if you want to miss your lessons, but I care about mine. Let. Me. Go!"

"Oh do quiet down, will you? You're not going to miss anything. I'm sure they'll be cancelled anyway," Remus didn't like how his grey eyes sparkled with mischief.

"What did you do?" He asked, letting Sirius pull him along the corridors, wincing when a woman in a painting screamed at them. Remus could make out the roar of students talking in the distance, and it became louder and louder until they reached an open hall. The students were crowded around something tall, laughing and pointing.

Was that a troll?

Sirius dived into the crowd, dragging Remus along to get him a better view.

At the centre of the hall was, sure enough, a troll dressed with what seemed to be Professor McGonagall's beloved pointy hat on its head, dangling poor Filch, the janitor, by his leg.

Remus almost slapped Sirius, but couldn't help letting out a small laugh when the troll gave the old man a rather violent shake.

"Students! Silence!" Professor McGonagall's voice rang out from the far end of the hall. "To your dorms! Now!"

The students immediately fell silent, and started to scatter, but not without stealing brief glances at Filch, who was bellowing curses. Before Professor McGonagall could spot them, Remus dragged a hysterical Sirius away, trying not laugh himself.


It took some time for James and Peter to appear in their common room, along with a flock of other Gryffindors. Until then, Sirius continued laughing and Remus continued trying to tell him how dangerous it was to bring a troll into the school.

What if your spell broke? What if it dropped Filch? What if you get caught? They could expel you!

"We won't get caught," James slapped Remus' back as soon as he reached them. "Right, Pads?"

"Of course we won't? When have we ever?" Sirius grinned, shaking his hair lose. Remus stared at him for a second, and then choked out, "Only at least a dozen times,"

James rolled his eyes. "Moony, you're no fun," he pouted, and sat himself next to Sirius. "Yes Moony, you're no fun. That troll was hilarious. And Filch deserves it," It was Peter who spoke up this time. Remus let out a long, exaggerated sigh. He suddenly felt very, very tired. "No one deserves to be dangled upside down by a troll," he glared at Peter, and shot a dirty look at Sirius who pulled a face.

Without another word, he turned and walked up the stairs to their dorm.

He dropped his books on his nightstand, kicked his shoes off, and crawled into his bed. Ever since he wad instated as a prefect the year before, there had been small arguments between them. And it was always, always Remus against the rest of them. Sure, he had never taken part in their more scandalous schemes, like hexing Severus Snape and sneaking into the Forbidden Forest and scaring the centaurs. He had always been the voice of reason among them.

But recently, he had been spending less and less time with them, instead choosing his books, or attending prefects' meetings.

He suddenly wanted to sleep. Downstairs, everyone was no doubt laughing and discussing the admittedly hilarious incident involving Filch, whom everyone including Remus hated. He decided no one would come upstairs and bother him.

But he was wrong, of course.

The smell of smoke was what confirmed that it was Sirius who sat down at the edge of his bed.

"Remus?" He called, and gave small pat to his ankle. "Go away, Sirius. I'm trying to sleep," he groaned, pulling his legs out of Sirius' reach. "Too bad I don't want to go away," Sirius shrugged, and scooted a little closer to shake Remus' shoulder.

"Fine, then," Sirius rolled his eyes when he got no response. He shoved Remus to make some space, and lay down next to him. "Are you serious?" Remus huffed, turning around to face the other way.

"Uh, yes, I'm Sirius. Didn't you find that out, like, six years ago?" he heard from behind him, and couldn't help the laughter that tumbled out of his lips.

"You're an idiot," he laughed into the pillow. Sirius only swung his leg over Remus. "But an idiot you love."

Remus froze for a minute, but Sirius was so warm and he didn't feel like pushing him away.

"Is that what you tell yourself?" He asked, and felt Sirius give him a light kick before saying,

"Minus the idiot part."

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