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Regulus picked the ring up rather gingerly, and pocketed it. He shuddered to think that Abraxas had lay there wearing it mere minutes ago. The cave was still bathed in blue light, even if there was no moon and no lanterns inside it.

Sirius was kneeling next to Severus, hands on his shoulders. Regulus went over to them, just in time for Severus to open his eyes. He coughed a little. "Hey," Sirius said softly. Severus sat up. He looked at Regulus, frowning.

"We'll explain everything when we get back, alright?" Sirius told him and stood up. He offered his hand to Severus, who took it. Sirius pulled him up.

That's when Severus saw the Patronus, still waiting for them. "Is that..." he narrowed his eyes as realisation dawned on him. "Lupin." Sirius wished he didn't start blushing like a little girl talking to her crush, because it really wasn't the fucking time, but what control did he have over it?

Severus looked at Regulus, who smiled at him rather shyly. "Hey, Severus," he said, smiling lightly. Sirius quirked an eyebrow. Severus only stared at them blankly, looking quite bored. One Black at a time was enough to drive him crazy. Two together was not a good idea.

"What's that... that creature doing on the floor?" He asked.

"Kreacher!" Regulus gasped and ran over to the house-elf. Sirius smirked at the pun that had gone over their heads. He had to use it some time.

They followed the Patronus through the forest, Kreacher groaning in Regulus' arms. "How do we get back?" Sirius asked no one in particular. Regulus gave him a cheeky smile. Way too cheeky for someone who was carrying an ugly, old, dead-to-the-world elf.

"Uhm, we can take it from here..." Regulus said after they reached a crossroads. He didn't really know if Patronuses spoke English. It seemed to understand well enough, because the wolf turned around and circled them again before disappearing into the trees in a soft blue glow.

Severus and Sirius lit their wands. "Can we take it from here?" Sirius asked, skeptical. Regulus grinned, "Yes." He led them into a clearing. It hadn't occurred to Sirius that he might've taken a different way from Sirius. He had assumed that he must've been dropped off at the cave by Orion.

"Is that my bike? You little onion," Sirius' jaw dropped. Regulus huffed. "I might've borrowed it, sorry." He sure didn't sound sorry. Severus secretly wondered if onions were that bad. He didn't really mind them. Unless they were raw. Merlin, raw onions were horrid.

"How the hell did you learn how to ride it?" Sirius demanded.

"Practice." Regulus shrugged.

"You absolute rotten onion," Sirius shook his head. Now that, Severus could validate as quite derogatory. Onions smelled bad enough without the rot. "You absolute..." Regulus paused, trying to think of something as they walked towards a not very discreetly hidden motorbike at the opposite edge of the clearing.

"I absolute what?" Sirius challenged.


Sirius cackled loudly, slapping Regulus' back. Regulus stumbled a little, and hit Severus. "Sorry," he blushed, adjusting Kreacher in his arms.

"I do have a lovely pair of coconuts," Sirius smirked. Severus didn't want to know where.

Regulus pulled a face. "That's seri-" he caught himself, "-very disturbing. And very appalling."

"I'm driving!" Sirius cried, hopping on to the massive bike. "You and that thing in the car." He pointed at Regulus. "Come on, Severus." He slid into its seat. Regulus groaned, but didn't protest. He leaned back in the sidecar, and stretched his legs out. Severus looked at the bike, rightly suspicious.

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