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Remus lowered his book to look at Sirius, who was smoking a cigarette by the window. The rain had finally let up, and the early rays of the sun bathed the Shack in golden light. Remus took a sip of his tea and placed the mug on the floor.

"You'll have to go back to our dorms for the full moon," he said. Sirius turned around, biting his lip. He nodded his head. "Come here," Remus placed a pressed flower Sirius had given him in between the pages of the book, and placed it on the floor next to the mug.

Sirius put the cigarette out against the wall, leaving a black circle on it, and walked over to him slowly. Remus  pulled him on to his lap and pressed their foreheads together. "James will stay with you, okay?" He smiled, moving Sirius' hair out of his eyes. Sirius pulled back slightly.

"No, what? No." He shook his head. Remus sighed and touched his cheek. "Remember the times before you turned into Animagi for me?"

Sirius nodded his head.

"I got through it alone back then, didn't I?" Remus kissed his cheek. Sirius shook his head again, and cupped Remus' face in his hands. "Barely, Remus. You don't need any more scars on you. I swear, as long as I live, there won't be any more. I swear."

Knowing he had no way of winning the argument, Remus gently pushed their lips together. Sirius sighed into the kiss when Remus slid his fingers into his hair. "I love you," Remus kissed him again.

"I love you," Sirius whispered, their lips brushing as he spoke, before meeting in yet another kiss.

"Oh, for Merlin's sake, guys. Get a room!" James' voice forced them to pull away. "We did, Prongs. Until you decided to walk in," Sirius got off of Remus, whose cheeks were burning scarlet.

"Any news on Regulus?" Sirius asked, and James shook his head, flopping down on to a chair. It was a Saturday. "What are we gonna do when the full moon arrives?"

"That's what we were discussing," Remus sighed.

"Didn't look like you were discussing much," James smirked. Sirius smacked the back of his head, and flopped down next to him. "We'll have to move the couch downstairs... this place is bloody crammed," he said.

James nodded. "McGonagall wants you in the dorm again, just for a week. I promised her I'd watch you."

"When do I go back?"

"Day after Halloween."  Five more days.

"You have to stay with Moony, James." Sirius sighed. James looked conflicted. "No, he doesn't, Sirius." Sirius rolled his eyes. "I have to meet Severus," he said. James looked at him. "Why in the seven rings of hell-"

"Because Hogwarts isn't safe. Severus takes Occlumency. He could help Sirius learn how to resist someone going through his memories." James bit his lip. "Okay, okay." He nodded. "I can't believe we're calling him Severus now..."

Sirius and Remus could only look at each other and burst out laughing.


"Stop it, please," Sirius pleaded, his chest constricting. His mother's voice faded away. Severus sighed and pressed his fingers on his temples. He walked over to where Sirius was curled up on the floor.

"Get up, you're never going to make any progress like that."

Angry and frustrated, Sirius pulled himself up on the chair. Severus looked at him again, his eyes dark like cold coffee.


Pain flooded his senses. Sirius was gasping. It felt as if he was living it all over again.

Severus stopped immediately. He felt sick. The Cruciatus? An Unforgivable Curse... she should be in Azkaban for life.

He knelt down next to Sirius. "It's okay," he said, trying his best to speak gently. He recalled how Remus had talked to him, softly and carefully.

"Sirius," he tried again. "I'm fine. Merlin, why does it hurt so much?" He leaned back on the chair, looking at the ceiling.

"She cursed you with the Cruciatus?" Severus asked.

Sirius shrugged. "It was her favourite."

Severus shivered. To treat your own child like that... "She needs to be reported."

"You think they don't know?" Sirius laughed darkly. Severus didn't like that laugh. And once again, he had no words of comfort. He remembered how Sirius had gently placed a hand on his shoulder when he found out about Lily. It had come to him so naturally.

"I'm sorry." Severus placed a hesitant hand on his shoulder. How did he do it?

"Now you know why Regulus was so worried about me," Sirius shook his head. Severus looked at him. His eyes were a murky grey, like a dab of grey paint in water. They were looking somewhere far away.

"I'm sorry," Severus repeated. Sirius sighed. "It's okay. I'm okay now," he smiled. Severus wondered how many time he must've faked it, to be able to make it look so genuine. It made him feel even more sick.

"Do you want to stop for today?" He asked, withdrawing his hand. Sirius shook his head. "No. Go on, do it again."


Centaurs were haughty creatures. Asking one to guard the Whomping Willow was admittedly a poor decision on Professor Dumbledore's behalf. But what else could he have done? Stationing himself of Minerva McGonagall in the Forest would've roused the interest of too many people. And he couldn't hand it right over to James Potter and Remus Lupin, regardless of how brilliant they were.

The centaur could only bear it for a week. By now, he had relinquished his duties to simply visiting the tree every hour or so.

This, however, worked to Sirius' advantage. He could easily slip in and out of the Shack. James or Remus would drop him off at the classroom, where Severus would already be waiting, and Severus would take him all the way to the edge of the Forest, where James or Remus would be waiting.

However, when Severus opened the door, James was standing outside. "I need a favour," he said stiffly. Severus shrugged and let him in. Sirius stared at them.

"I can't leave Remus alone during the... uhm, when he-"

"When he turns into a wolf," Severus finished for him. Both Sirius and James looked at him, uncomfortable. Severus had found out about Remus the year before, and it had ended in a nasty accident with the Whomping Willow breaking seven of his ribs and both his legs.

James nodded. "I... I have to be with him..."

Severus nodded his head. He was the only one at school who knew that Sirius, James and Peter were Animagi, other than the four Marauders themselves.

"You want me to keep an eye on him?"

James nodded. Sirius rolled his eyes.

"What about Pettigrew?" Severus asked, fingering the tip of his wand. "Peter will look out for him, of course. But Sirius needs someone more... headstrong to keep him in check."

"I can hear you, you know," Sirius scowled. James smiled at him and turned back to Severus.

"It's better if he spends the nights here anyway," Severus agreed. James sighed in relief. "Thank you," he said, and turned to Sirius. "Let's go."

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