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Orion Black stood at Regulus' door, moving his eyes over the four boys sleeping on the floor. His eldest, Sirius, sat curled up in the arms of another boy - Remus Lupin - and it would've bothered him if it weren't for recent events. James Potter was lying on the floor, an arm under his head. Regulus was sitting up, his head resting on the foot of the bed, his face pressed into the mattress.

He had lots of other things to discuss with them, especially with his sons, but instead of waking them up, Orion let out a small sigh, and quietly closed the door.

"They might come here looking for the ring," he said to Walburga, whom he found reading in the drawing room. Her hard, unfeeling eyes had a somewhat insane sparkle to them as she replied, "Let them. I will make them wish they didn't."

Orion sighed and walked to the window. "I was thinking of something else, Walburga." She stood up, put her book away, and joined him at the window. Several weak rays of the sun managed to fall to the earth through the dense curtain of dark clouds.

She rested her cold hand on his arm. "You have a plan," she either asked or stated. Orion couldn't tell.

"I do," he replied. "We make the ring ours."

Walburga pursed her lips. "Yours?" She asked, smiling now. Orion shook his head. "No. We will send Regulus."


The boys were soon called to lunch. "This way, sir," he showed James, who was walking at the front. "You are not invited-" he started, looking at Sirius. "That's quite enough, Kreacher. I will show them the way," Regulus stopped him.

"As you wish, Master," Kreacher said, and disappeared with a pop.

"You okay?" Remus whispered in his ear, and Sirius nodded. "He's just an old grump, I don't care about him," he said. "I can't believe I actually thought him to be nice," James laughed, turning to look at him. "He's loyal to the family," Regulus said from beside James, but his eyes remained lowered. "Unlike me," Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Sirius..." Regulus sighed, but didn't say anything. They walked the rest of the way in silence.

They found Orion and Walburga sitting at opposite ends of the table, just like the night before. Regulus sat down on his right, leaving a chair empty next to his father as he'd done before. Remus and James sat on Orion's left.

Orion was looking at Sirius almost expectantly. Regulus caught Sirius' eye and jerked his head to his left, telling Sirius to sit next to his father. Sirius almost laughed at that. He walked over to the other side and sat next to Remus instead, furthest from Orion.

The food was excellent, but it wasn't a pleasant meal at all . And not only because Remus kept noticing what a hard time Sirius was having with his cutlery. He almost dropped his fork twice. What bothered Remus the most was how Walburga kept staring at him.

"Don't mind her," Sirius told Remus, who was anxiously picking at his food. "Just eat. I don't suppose they've poisoned the food," he cracked a small smile, and Remus really wanted to kiss him, but he settled for smiling back instead.

There was chocolate cake for dessert. Sirius didn't touch it. Remus turned to ask him why, because it was really good. He choked on his mouthful of cake when he saw that Walburga was eating a rather large slice of it in a way that could only be described as pretty. She held her fork with two slender fingers, and raised it to her lips so daintily that she looked like a fairy. Remus looked away. It was the only thing he'd seen her eat.

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