Fifty - part two

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(16 years old)

For James, Christmas holidays were twice as fun with Sirius staying with him. They decided to invite Remus and Peter for a spend-the-day.

"Where's Peter?" Remus asked as he munched on a slice of warm Christmas cake, of which Mrs. Potter had given them an entire platter.

"Not coming. He went to visit his cousin in France." James licked his lips. Noticing that Sirius wasn't eating, Remus reached for another piece. "Hey, you want half?" He asked, already breaking it in two. Sirius bit his lip, but nodded his head.

"My father said that he could teach us the Patronus Charm if we wanted to," James smiled, knowing that it would definitely excite Sirius. Sirius looked up. "Really?" The Patronus was a legendary charm, owing to its difficulty as well as the variety of Patronuses it could produce.

"Yeah. We can go right now, if you like."

Sirius shoved the remaining cake in his mouth and washed it down with some tea. He coughed a little, and wiped his fingers on his skinny jeans. Laughing, Remus and James stood up as well. Giddy with excitement, they ran to Mr. Potter's study.


Sirius bit his lip in awe as a beautiful stag made three circles around the study, and jumped out the window. James' father gave James a small pat on the back. "Well done, my son," he smiled proudly.

Next was Remus, whose wand gave rise to a beautiful wolf with lomg fur.

Then it was Sirius' turn. He closed his eyes for just a second, and thought of the day he had discovered his Animagus form. He remembered running in circles around the Shrieking Shack after Peter's squealing form, while James watched from the side. The memory made Sirius smile a little.

"Expecto patronum!" He waved his wand in a circle, focusing on the happiness, the glow inside his head.

Nothing happened.

He tried again. Nothing.

"It's alright, Sirius. Maybe some other night." Mr. Potter smiled at him gently. Sirius was filled with sadness. He had never failed at a spell.

He tried again the next day.

And then the following. And on an on, until Christmas break was over. Try and try with all his might as he did, his Patronus never came.

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