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"Regulus!" Sirius threw the door to his brother's room open. "Where the heck..." he mumbled, seeing that Regulus was not there. He shut the door, and walked up to Severus' room. Just as he was about to knock, Severus opened the door and stepped outside.

"What do you want?" He asked, eyeing Sirius suspiciously. He had been on the receiving end of more than a handful of Sirius' and James' pranks after all.

"I was looking for Regulus," Sirius looked into the room over Severus' shoulder. "Why would he be in here?" Severus frowned. Sirius tilts his head with a smirk. "You tell me," he raised an eyebrow. Severus looked at him, and shrugged. Sirius snorted, and grabbed his arm.

"Come on, Remus and James will be here any minute. We've got to find that little custard."

Severus quite liked custard. He wondered if Sirius used the word because it rhymed with bastard. Kind of rhymed. Not that he cared much about rhymes. Linguistics weren't really his forte anyway. However, mustard, now that was a good word to rhyme with custard. That little mustard. Didn't sound very bad, either.

"Are you plotting my murder?" Sirius asked. Severus blinked. "No," he replied. "Let's go find your brother."

They walked down the stairs, Sirius calling Regulus' name. "Father?" Sirius asked once they reached the drawing room. Orion looked up from his newspaper. "Yes, Sirius?"

"Have you seen Regulus? We can't find him anywhere."

"He's outside, waiting for your friends." Orion nodded towards the door. The two boys joined Regulus outside.

It didn't take long for Remus and James to arrive in the carriage that the Blacks had sent for them. Sirius and Regulus led them inside. "Show them to their rooms, please," Orion told his sons, "Be downstairs for tea by five."

"I want you to meet someone," Sirius took Remus' hand in his after everyone was settled in. "Come on, James. You can look at that later."

James took one last look at the massive engraved cabinet he'd been occupied with, and followed Sirius. The cabinet was home to a rather macabre collection of dead snakes preserved in jars of red and green liquid.

"We were so excited for you to get here," Regulus grinned at James as they walked. "Yeah, this place gets boring real quick," Sirius agreed, "Right, Sevy?" Remus shook his head at Sirius and turned to Severus with an almost apologetic smile. "Yes, Siri, one can only bear with you for so long." Severus said coldly. James tried not to snort, he really did. Regulus, however, made no effort conceal his howls of uninhibited laughter.

"See? This is the kind of cruelty I had to experience," Sirius sighed, making Remus laugh and kiss his head. "You kind of asked for it, Pads."

"Did you finish completing your notes?" Remus asked. Sirius groaned. "Do you have to bring that up now? It's the holidays, for fuck's sake."

"Sirius, school is important too. You have to do it at some point," Remus said. Sirius rolled his eyes. "You're such a pain in the ass, Moony," he scowled. Remus gave him a mischievous smile. "Yeah, you'd know, wouldn't you?" He didn't realise what he'd said until it was too late.

"Oh sweet Merlin's hairy balls," James yelled, grabbing Regulus by the shoulders and shaking him roughly. "Did you hear that? Oh my-"

"Please," Regulus wriggled out of his grip. "I don't..." his face twisted into a grimace, "I don't know what I should be more disturbed by. The fact that you, Remus, just said that, or the fact that you, James, think Merlin's... uhm... testicles to be hairy and... sweet." He gave an involuntary shudder.

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