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(This chapter is dedicated to HPmnlMCU)

It was difficult to keep the panic attacks at bay when Sirius was locked up in a windowless room with no candles or fire, no water and no wand. He didn't know how much time had passed, he kept waking up and falling unconscious.

When Lucius Malfoy appeared again, he had to assume that it was a weekend. How does he get out of school unnoticed? Severus must have shown him the Shack.

Sirius clenched his fists when he remembered Snape. How could he have been so gullible? Like a little child...

Sirius glared at Lucius, but he couldn't hide the hurt on his face when he saw Severus behind Lucius. The young Malfoy stalked over to him, his heeled boots tapping the carpet as he walked.

"Hello, Sirius," he smiled and sat down on a chair next to him. "Or should I say... Padfoot?"

Sirius growled lowly.

"The dog is getting restless, I see? Need to go for a walk, little dog?" Lucius grinned. Sirius forced himself to stay calm. He wouldn't give Lucius the satisfaction of having stirred him.

"Quite a fan of walks in the moonlight, are we? Sad that your little... boyfriend can't take it."

Sirius' heart skipped a beat. Lucius Malfoy had found out. But how? He knew it wasn't by Legilimency. Sirius felt the anger inside him rise, boiling his blood. He looked at Severus, eyes so dark they looked black.

"You... you godless bastard-"

"Now, now, Sirius," Lucius shook his head and touched his cheek. Sirius jerked his head back. Lucius grinned. "Such vile words are so unbecoming for a pretty face like yours... What would your mother say?"

Sirius glared at him, quiet. What would his mother have said? Probably to kick Lucius' ass. For once, he wouldn't have minded obeying her.

"Let me ask you something, Padfoot. Where is the Black Family Ring?"

Sirius kept quiet, staring at him. Lucius Malfoy sighed loudly, and stretched his arms. "One more chance. Where is it?" He asked. Sirius stared at him.

"Final chance, Padfoot," the way Lucius spat the nickname out made Sirius want to gag. He kept quiet.

"You leave me no choice." Lucius pulled his wand out, and slashed the air with it. The wand gave out a light green light as it cut through the air. Sirius winced, feeling a sharp sting in his chest. When he looked down, a small patch of red was slowly appearing on his white shirt.

"Is that all you got, Lucy?" Sirius challenged. He smirked when Lucius' face coloured. His triumph didn't last long, however. Lucius slashed the air again. This time, Sirius had to dig his nails into his palms to keep quiet. A second, deeper gash appeared on his chest.

"How mighty of you, attacking a defenseless wizard with no wand," Sirius spat.

Lucius swiped his wand across, and Sirius felt his skin tear again. And again.

He raised his head to look at Severus, who was watching from the doorway in silence. His arms were crossed, his face inscrutable as ever.

"I will ask you once more, Sirius. Where is the ring?"

Sirius grinned at him, "Maybe it's time you let Mrs. Malfoy know. Your father might just get that divorce we all know he's desperate for."


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