Ten - part two

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(13 years old)

Sirius grinned at James as they covered Regulus with the invisibility cloak. "Be as quiet as you can, Regs," James said, and Sirius kept a hand on his brother's back for good measure.

"It's Regulus," a voice sounded.

"Sure, Regs," James grinned. The three boys walked up the stairs and along the corridor. They stopped in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady.

"Cauldron cakes," James spoke, and the portrait slid away from the entrance. With a steady hand on Regulus' back, Sirius gently pushed him in.

Inside, Remus and Peter were curled up in plush chairs by the fire. Remus looked up from his massive book, and waved at the two boys. Peter was dozing off, an empty box of Ice Mice on his lap.

Sirius made a great show of looking for his lost brother, he could swear he was right there...

Rolling his eyes, Regulus stepped out of the cloak himself. Remus put his book away and bounced over to Regulus, whom he wrapped up in a warm embrace. "How are you, Reg? I was getting bored waiting for you. Mom sent me Christmas cookies, come on," he walked the small boy over the fireplace.

"Hey, Sirius," Peter mumbled in his sleep, earning a loud smack on the head from James. "That's Regulus, idiot. This is Sirius..." James turned to his side, but Sirius was nowhere to be found.

A couple seconds later, Regulus let out a loud shriek as something began tickling him. He fell off his chair and on to the floor. Remus blindly reached for Sirius, and ended up on the floor. A mop of unruly black hair popped out of the cloak for a moment, then vanished again. Unable to resist, James and Peter jumped in as well.

Some time later, the five boys lay curled up by the fire. James, Sirius, and Remus huddled together under a massive blanket. James trying to catch a chocolate frog, Remus hunched over his book, and Sirius trying to get Remus to put the book away. Peter and Regulus sat on the floor by their feet, looking at Peter's wizard cards.

"James lost my Merlin card! He promised he would find me one, but never did."

"I have three Merlins. I got one last week from Hogsmeade. We can trade!"

"My Circe for your Merlin?"

"I'll bring it over tomorrow."

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