Train Conductor Silver Vermilion

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Module Name: Train Conductor Silver Vermilion

Other Name: Conductor Vermilion

Real Name: Vincent Sickle (the real name was yukicleopatra's idea).

Japanese: 鉄道員・銀朱

Romaji: Tetsudou-in Ginshu

Nickname(s): Vermilion

Date Of Birth: October 5, 2004

Age: 19

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Libra

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Monkey

Height: 5'1"

Weight: 92 lbs.

Designer: Chiho

Known Relationships/Family:

Ingrid Keane/Invisible Rin (girlfriend) (August 30, 2015)

Gloria Sickle/Train Conductor Golden Sparrow (twin sister)

Henry Sickle (son) (born June 15th, 2020)

Jocelyn Sickle (daughter) (born January 24th, 2021) (currently in Monokuro)

Ulric Sickle (son) (born February 28th, 2021) (currently in Monokuro)

Rafe Sickle (son) (born January 15th, 2022) (currently in Monokuro)

Occupation: College student (he's currently a freshman) & train conductor

Specific Song: 1925

Song Producer: T-POCKET

Specific Song Anniversary: October 5, 2009

Game Debut: Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX

Fun Facts:

- This Len module and I'm Mine Miku (or her real name Sherrie Reinke) are birthday twins.

- Vincent currently has 4 children, a son named Henry born on June 15th, 2020, a daughter named Jocelyn that was born on January 24th, 2021, a son named Ulric that was born on February 28th, 2021, and a son named Rafe that was born on January 15th, 2022. And the babies are Invisible Rin (or her real name Ingrid)'s.

- He's WAY too young to drive a train. He and his sister usually ride with Nightingale.

And here's a link to his cover of 1925.

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