Spiral Game Append

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Module Name: Spiral Game Append

Real Name: Florian Reed Scholastica (the real name was TammyChan180's idea).

Nickname(s): Spiral

Date Of Birth: June 20, 2005

Age: 19

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Rooster

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 122 lbs.

Designer: HaruAki

Known Relationships/Family:

Carla Scholastica (mother) (born September 15th, 1975)

Jason Scholastica (father) (born February 3rd, 1975)

Denise Scholastica/Spiral Game Rin (triplet sister)

Rene Scholastica/Spiral Game Len (triplet brother)

Fern Little/Tettey-Terettey Rin (girlfriend) (July 21, 2022)

Occupation: College student (he's currently a freshman)

Specific Song: Spiral Game

Song Producer: Natsu-P

Specific Song Anniversary: June 20, 2009

Fun Facts:

- This Len module, Unchanging Summer Festival (or his real name Kazuyuki Sugimoto), and the Vocaloid Kyo (or his real name Kyo Fuse) are all birthday twins.

- Florian thinks he's a gangster. He uses so much gangster slang and tries to act like one. One time, he tried to stand on top of the family car, but that didn't end well.

- How did these 5 friends first meet? Denise was in middle with Acacia. When Denise was in 6th grade and Acacia was in 8th grade, they were in a mixed grade class together. They got to be partners for a project. Denise invited Acacia to her house to work on the project. When Acacia came over, she met Rene and Florian. They were nice and they greeted Denise's new friend.

- Lyda came into the picture in summertime of that same year. She was only a teenager back then. The four friends went back to school shopping together and they ended up getting assisted by Lyda. It was then they found out that she works at that same store they were at. Lyda helped them all get what they needed, and they wanted to talk to her more. After Lyda's shift, she gave them her phone number. And that's how they're friends.

- Their parents wanted to have only one child, but when they found out they were having triplets, they were more than excited. All three kids were born successfully, but their mom experienced the worst pain on Earth when birthing the triplets. The triplets grew up very well, and they had an amazing childhood. They have good parents, and each triplet has a distinctive personality.

- Florian loves rap music and he makes his own rap songs. He wants to become a famous rapper one day and he thinks everyone will love his raps. He annoys his siblings a lot. He likes to come in Denise's room and say weird things. Denise would then play the 'I'm telling Mom' card and if it did resort to their mom finding out, their mom would kick Florian out of Denise's room and get told not to bother her sister like that. When it comes to his brother, he likes to sneak behind him and scare him. It makes Rene fall out of his chair in shock.

- Florian uses a lot of slang in his speech and sometimes people can't understand what he's saying because he usually mashes his words together. He is reckless and also a bit dumb. He would shout answers in his class when he doesn't get picked on, making the teacher mad. He actually once tried to cheat on a test by writing the answers in empty candy wrappers, and of course he got caught. He got grounded by his parents for it, and because he was given an instant 0 on the test, he barely passed the class.

- His favorite time of the day is PE, and he gets really excited when he gets to run laps and do activities in the gym. When he comes home from school, he likes to run on the treadmill in the living room.

Here's the specific song link:

See you guys in the next chapter!

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