39Culture 2022 Music

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Module Name: 39Culture 2022 Music

Real Name: Wallis Owen (the real first name was TammyChan180's idea. The real last name was yukicleopatra's idea).

Nickname(s): Music

Date Of Birth: March 29, 2006

Age: 18

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Aries

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Dog

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 134 lbs.

Designer: Hechima

Known Relationships/Family:

Frances Owen/39Culture 2022 Music Rin (twin sister)

Emilee Leon/Let's Cheer! (girlfriend) (October 26, 2022)

Occupation: High school student (he's currently a senior)

Specific Song: N/A

Fun Facts:

- Despite this Len module and Kaleidoscope Of Footprints having the same last name, they are not related in any way, shape, or form.

- How did these 6 friends first meet? They have been friends since they were kids. 39Culture 2022 Music Miku (or her real name Alina Ely), 39Culture 2022 Music Rin (or her real name Frances Owen), and 39Culture 2022 Music Len (or his real name Wallis Owen) knew each other since elementary school, when they were in the same 1st grade class together. The other three came in when the three kids went to the park. When they were getting ice cream there, they let the other three friends at the time go ahead of them in line, and they paid for Alina, Frances, and Wallis' ice cream. They sat down together and had ice cream and that's how they became friends.

- Frances and Wallis don't get along. They disagree on a lot of things, and it's hard to tell if they have something in common. They complain about each other's likings, and it's not always that pleasant to look at. Yet their parents want them to get along.

- Even though they aren't the best at getting along, it's not like they hate each other. They still like to go hang out with their friends now and then. The only thing is, they just have a gap n their relationship.

- Wallis isn't always into these things. He prefers to listen to whatever he thinks sounds good, so he isn't that much of a genre picker.

See you guys in the next chapter!

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