Childish War

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Module Name: Childish War

Real Name: Moses Lundberg (the real name was TammyChan180's idea).

Japanese: おこちゃま戦争

Romaji: Okochama Sensou

Nickname(s): Childish

Date Of Birth: November 29, 1999

Age: 24

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Rabbit

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 155 lbs.

Designer: Miwashiba

Known Relationships/Family:

Kayla Lundberg (mother) (born October 23rd, 1978)

Eddy Lundberg (father) (born August 28th, 1977)

Venere Lundberg/Childish War Rin (twin sister)

Igone Folliero/39Culture Party Rin (older cousin)

Melech Folliero/39Culture Party Len (older cousin)

Eluned Windsor/Vocalofantasy IA (girlfriend) (April 8, 2022)

Occupation: Unknown

Specific Song: Childish War

Song Producer: Giga-P

Specific Song Anniversary: November 29, 2013

Fun Facts:

- Venere and Moses constantly fight with each other. And they can't seem to get along most times. They moved out from their parents' house when they were 19, and even today, they still fight with each other.

- They were born as identical twins. People were unable to tell who is who, despite they're different genders. And they both have similar-sounding voices. Unlike other Rin modules, Venere's voice is deep. Moses sounds a little higher than her.

- One thing to tell them apart is their names, and their behaviors. Venere drinks, while Moses does not. They have different ways of their ruthless and entitled behavior to each other.

- They both live in a two-story house together. There they own a lot of nice things such a jewelry. In their kitchen, they have a huge supply of silverware and beautifully designed plates. And they also have a hammock in their backyard.

- When it comes to things like traveling across the state or country, it gets chaotic. They take turns driving the car, and they've even had their arguments in there. They once got in an accident because they were fighting over where to stop for the bathroom.

- Moses does not drink alcohol. He once drank a sip of tequila, and thought it was gross.

Okay, and here's a link to Childish War.

Alright, I'll see you guys later. But, as always, keep those requests coming!

Len Module Headcanons, I SupposeWhere stories live. Discover now