Snow Len 2013

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Module Name: Snow Len 2013

Real Name: Nathaniel Huntsman (the real name was yukicleopatra's idea).

Nickname(s): Len 2013

Date Of Birth: June 9, 2003

Age: 21

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Goat

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 133 lbs.

Designer: hakusai

Known Relationships/Family:

Nancy Huntsman/Snow Rin 2013 (twin sister)

Ceara MacFarlane/Magical Mirai 2021 Rin (girlfriend) (April 24, 2022)

Occupation: College student (he's currently a junior) & worker at a frozen treat place

Specific Song: N/A

Fun Facts:

- How did Natasha meet the other Snow 2013 modules? Snow Rin 2013 (or her real name Nancy Huntsman) and Snow Len 2013 (or his real name Nathaniel Huntsman) were fans of Natasha and they wanted to talk to her. So, they first meet in a Zoom chat. Snow Luka 2013 (or her real name Epoline Tyrrell) met Natasha when Natasha fell over on her way home from the store, and she dropped all of her groceries. Epoline helped her and couldn't help but strike a conversation with her. And they all met Snow Kaito 2013 (or his real name Dunstan Guerra) and Snow Meiko 2013 (or her real name Surendra Christofi) during the Mirai Mall Christmas party the same year. And that's how they all became friends.

- Nathaniel likes going on walks, especially during the evenings. He likes going through forests and likes looking at lakes.

- He also has a job. He serves frozen treats to people.

- He currently has a crush on Magical Mirai 2021 Rin (or her real name Ceara MacFarlane).

See you guys in the next chapter!

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