Monopolized Romance

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This song is just so good, but I hate it at the same time. It's just one of those songs. Miku looks creepy with those red eyes. But I will say, Len looks really good in red. Anyhoo, let's just get this baby over with so that I can no longer look at his suffering.

Module Name: Monopolized Romance

Real Name: Martin Rombach

Japanese: 独占ロマンス

Romaji: Dokusen Romance

Nickname(s): Monopolized

Date Of Birth: February 25, 2000

Age: 24

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Dragon

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 130 lbs.

Known Relationships/Family:

Emma Rombach (mother) (born February 12th, 1978)

Bret Rombach (father) (born September 3rd, 1978)

Lana Bowman (past fiancée, deceased) (May 21st, 2000-February 25th, 2014)

Mae Rombach (nèe Holgate)/Getcha! Miku (wife) (first met October 22, 2021) (married April 23, 2023)

Larae Rombach (daughter) (born September 17th, 2022)

Likes: the color red, spending time with his parents

Dislikes: Monopolized Romance Miku

Known Fears: getting raped

Occupation: Unknown

Specific Song: Monopolized Romance

Song Producer: Suiheisen-P

Specific Song Anniversary: February 25, 2010

Background Story: Monopolized Romance Len, or his real name Martin Rombach, was only 14 when he was kidnapped by his captor Monopolized Romance Miku, or her real name Diana Goldenbury. She kidnapped him and brought him to her house. She tied his hands up so that he wouldn't escape and she also put a strip of tape over his mouth to keep him from talking. She only takes out the tape just for eating.

Fun Facts:

- This Len module, Hatsune Miku 2024 Calendar - February Kaito (or his real name Jax Lemay), and Akiba Fan Cube & Umeda Loft - Hatsune Miku New Year Shop 2024 Kaito (or his real name Shouto Inoko) are all birthday twins.

- Before you ask, yes. He still lives with his parents. He's not ready to face the world on his own.

- He and his family are rich. Just not as rich as Kasha and her family. His house is almost a mansion.

- He has been Monopolized Romance Miku's prisoner for at 6 years. But on his 20th birthday, the cops found out where Diana Goldenbury was hiding and arrested her for kidnapping.

- Martin and his parents had to move away after he got rescued from Diana.

- Martin once had a past relationship. He was even engaged! However, Diana killed Martin's fiancée because she was jealous.

And here's the specific song. I wouldn't recommend it if you're a Len fan like me.

See you guys in the next headcanon!

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