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Warning: this headcanon has some rape and m-preg mentions. Read at your own risk.

Module Name: Starmine

Real Name: Skyler Mieras (the real name was TammyChan180's idea).

Japanese: スターマイン

Nickname(s): Mine, Little Star

Date Of Birth: August 2, 2003

Age: 20

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Goat

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 107 lbs.

Designer: Yu

Known Relationships/Family:

Melinda Caldera/Melancholy (first ex-girlfriend) (August 30, 2012-January 9, 2015)

Ashley Cox (second ex-girlfriend) (August 16, 2015-November 25, 2019)

Grace Shapiro/Gothic (third and current girlfriend) (January 2, 2020)

Abigail Mieras (mother) (born July 16th, 1968)

Anthony Mieras (father) (born February 22nd, 1965)

Mary Mieras (paternal grandmother) (born March 7, 1937)

Ernest Mieras (paternal grandfather) (born January 14, 1934)

Cheri Mieras (maternal grandmother) (born August 11, 1938)

Charley Mieras (maternal grandfather) (born May 18, 1936)

Amanda Mieras (daughter [with Ashley]) (born August 2nd, 2018)

Abigail "Abby" Mieras (daughter [with Grace]) (born March 25th, 2020)

Mary Mieras (daughter [with Grace]) (born November 15th, 2020)

Melinda Mieras (daughter [with Grace]) (born November 15th, 2020)

Grace "Gracie" Mieras (daughter [with Grace]) (born November 15th, 2020)

Dene Mieras (daughter [with Grace]) (born March 3rd, 2021) (currently in Monokuro)

Natasha Mieras (daughter [with Grace]) (born March 3rd, 2021) (currently in Monokuro)

Mollie Mieras (daughter [with Grace]) (born March 3rd, 2021) (currently in Monokuro)

Alise Mieras (daughter [with Grace]) (born March 3rd, 2021) (currently in Monokuro)

Katrina Mieras (daughter [with Grace]) (born July 12th, 2021) (currently in Monokuro)

Likes: summertime, fireworks, the beach, taking care of his daughters (even though it can be stressful)

Dislikes: blood/gore, wintertime, being sexually harassed, getting raped, having his heart broken, his asthma

Strengths: Motherly, friendly, kind

Weaknesses: Fearful, taken advantage of

Occupation: Stay-at-home mother

Known Fears: his daughters getting hurt/killed, that no one will help him with his asthma attacks

Favorite Color: Orange

Specific Song: Fire Flower

Song Producer: halyosy

Specific Song Anniversary: August 1, 2008

Game Debut: Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F

Aura: Cute

Background Story: Starmine (or his real name Skyler Mieras) was the first confirmed Len module mother. But ever since then, other in-game Lens are starting their own families with their loved ones. Back when she was manager of the Lens, Ashley Cox thought that his name was cute. And he thought the same for hers. I guess you can say it was love at first sight. (Ashley didn't know that Starmine already had a girlfriend when they met. And that girlfriend was Melinda Caldera (Melancholy)).

Their relationship became better when they first heard about Prince and him killing Len modules that wear white (School Jersey, Aitetsu, Council, etc.). There was actually one time when Starmine got sick and Ashley left the room. Prince and his men came into his room. (If you read Project DIVA Manager, especially chapter 9, you know what happens next). But in case you don't know, Starmine gets raped by Prince. Ashley tried to stop them, but Prince's men held her and all she can do is watch.

When they were alone one night, they both decided to try to *ahem*, make a baby. It didn't work the first time or the second time they tried. But the third time, it was a success. (heh, third time's the charm). Starmine became pregnant. (Starmine was pregnant before with Prince's child, but he and Ashley decided to abort that baby).

On Starmine's birthday, Starmine went into labor and a few hours later, he gave birth to his baby girl named Amanda. Ashley thought of the name. It reminded her of her oldest sister that passed away (thanks to Trickster's 'job').

Starmine loves his daughters very much. And just like any other mother, he is the one that feeds them.

Fun Facts:

- Starmine is the only Project DIVA Len that has a birthday in August.

- After a stressful day of changing diapers and feeding, all Starmine wants is a long neck massage. And a nap.

- Like Agitation and Ciel, his neck is the most sensitive part in his body.

- Like Ciel, Starmine gets scared easily. He also doesn't like blood/gore/dead bodies like he does. He has a weak stomach when it comes to horror. Even a little jumpscare from somebody will scare him.

- He is TERRIBLE at cooking. Don't let him near the kitchen, unless you want your house burned down.

- Starmine is always struggling with asthma attacks. He has an inhaler for it, though. That's why he doesn't exercise much.

- Starmine has an inactive YouTube channel about him reacting to certain things. Mostly horror things like video game deaths. The last time he made a video on his YouTube channel was about a few months after Amanda was born. He hasn't touched his YouTube account since.

- The wanderers in Skyler's PV are named Stace, Darby, Rain, and Billy Hope. They're all quadruplets born on August 1, 2002.

- How did these brothers meet Skyler? It took place before Skyler had his encounter with Genealogy Of Red, White, And Black Len (or his real name Prince Edison) and all that jazz. They went to middle school together, although Skyler was really young. But the boys really thought that Skyler was a cool person, and they wanted to hang out with him more. So they got together and formed a band. But now that Skyler has children, they're no longer a band. However, they've decided to stay as friends.

And there you have it. Here's a video of Fire Flower if you haven't heard it before.

I'll see you guys soon!

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