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Module Name: Ciel

Real Name: Ciel DuBlois (the real last name was TammyChan180's idea).

Japanese: シエル

Nickname(s): None

Date Of Birth: October 18, 2007

Age: 16

Sexuality: Asexual/Straight

Zodiac Sign: Libra

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Pig

Height: 4'7"

Weight: 102 lbs.

Designer: E-ri Comatsu

Known Relationships/Family:

Angelica d'Aglior/Agitation (girlfriend) (September 19, 2019)

Soleil DuBlois/Soleil (twin sister)

Elise DuBlois (mother, deceased) (March 3rd, 1985-December 15th, 2011)

Leon DuBlois (father, deceased) (January 30th, 1982-December 15th, 2011)

Stephanie Avery/Silent Voice (older foster sister)

Kelsey d'Aglior (foster mother) (born November 23rd, 1973)

Robert d'Aglior (foster father) (born February 18th, 1972)

Likes: Hot chocolate, sleeping, playing the piano, visiting the Rin modules or Miku modules, or when they visit him, dogs (especially Siberian Huskies), being called terms of endearment like honey, baby, darling, etc., getting hugs/giving people hugs, cuddling with his girlfriend Agitation

Dislikes: Violence, blood/gore, weapons (like guns, knives, swords, etc.), when any of the Len modules, Rin modules, or Miku modules fight/swear, being called a 'useless module', getting cold, getting sick all the time, playing piano in front of a big crowd (he gets shy easily), getting nightmares, thunderstorms, loud noises

Known Fears: Snakes, heights, being alone, sex, being naked in front of other people, & water

Favorite Color: Green

Favorite Holiday: Christmas

Least Favorite Holiday: Halloween & April Fool's Day

Occupation: 8th grade homeschool student & savior of Negi Root City (even though he thinks being the savior isn't really an occupation)

Specific Song: Soundless Voice

Song Producer: Hitoshizuku-P & Yama

Specific Song Anniversary: October 18, 2008

Game Debut: Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd

Aura: Classic/Neutral

Background Story: Ciel was born with a damaged voice box and a weak immune system so he gets sick easily and it's really hard for anyone to hear his voice since he always whispers. Spacy Nurse or any of the other doctors can't do anything about fixing his voice box, so they have to either leave it like it is or remove it.

When he was 3, he had a nightmare and his mother took him downstairs that cold night to play the piano with her until he fell asleep again. To this day, he plays Soundless Voice every year on his and Soleil's birthday. And at almost every funeral.

When he and Soleil were just 4 years old, both of their parents were killed in a car accident, leaving them in the care of a pharmacy owner and her fiancé until they can't take care of them about 6 years later, when they were both 10.

By the time he was 6, Ciel came up with a famous hot chocolate recipe that everyone in town seems to love. He would make it every day of the winter season or when he gets depressed.

When Ciel and Soleil moved to Negi Root City, they couldn't find a house to stay in. They had to live out on the streets for at least 2 months until they finally found one (it's the house in their specific song, by the way).

Fun Facts:

- Ciel is the youngest, the shortest, and the weakest out of the Len modules.

- Soleil and Ciel were born in a Japanese city called Utashinai. But neither of them are Japanese. Or their parents.

- If you're planning on mating with this baby, just do it carefully and try not to hurt him. He is still a virgin that is afraid of sex, after all.

- Ciel can't swim or dance. At all. That's how he got his fear of water. However, thanks to his girlfriend, he is slowly learning how to swim.

- Spaghetti is his favorite food. He can't turn it down, even when he's depressed. However, Ciel can't eat cold foods like ice cream or popsicles because he gets brain freeze easily.

- His stomach is one of the most sensitive parts of his body. If you punch it really hard, he will start coughing up blood and the stomach will also start to bleed. He also has bad stomachaches often because of his anorexia.

- Ciel has a very weak stomach and can't eat that much, or he will throw everything back up. He also has a sensitive neck like Agitation does. The last time he went to the doctor, he weighed only 74 pounds.

- Ciel can't have any kind of nuts (like peanuts, cashews, walnuts, almonds, etc.) due to his allergies. He also can't have peanut butter. So he can't eat candy bars that have peanut butter in them (like Reese's). If he accidentally eats nuts, he will have trouble breathing and cough multiple times.

- If Ciel tries to speak up any higher than his normal whispery voice, he coughs and his voice gets even weaker. So, don't try to make him angry. He's already in danger of going mute.

- Ciel gets cold almost instantly. You would usually find him in bed or by a heater trying to get himself warm. He can also somewhat get cold even during the summer months.

- Ciel does not like strong perfume fragrances. He prefers lighter scents instead.

- Ciel's health depends on the seasons. Spring is when he most experiences his bad stomachaches (even though he gets those at any time of the year). During the summer he gets really high fevers (of about 103 or higher). Autumn is when his breathing gets really bad and has heart attacks often. And winter is the worst season of all. He could have a stomachache, a cold, and a high fever all at once during the winter.

- Ciel doesn't want children. For a couple of reasons. First of all, he has a lot of health problems. His future children might end up dying in a miscarriage or end up being stillborn because of these health problems. Another reason is his fear. His fear of sex is his biggest fear, followed by water, heights, snakes, being alone, and being naked in front of other people. However, he has a lot of time to make up his mind about wanting children.

And here's the link to Soundless Voice. 😢

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