Phoenix Moon

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Module Name: Phoenix Moon

Other Name(s): Mon Feng (Chinese name)

Real Name: Hougetsu Nishiyomi (the real last name was TammyChan180's idea).

Japanese: 凰月

Romaji: Hougetsu

Nickname(s): Phoenix, Firebird, Phoe-Phoe (pronounced as Fifi)

Date Of Birth: December 26, 2001

Age: 22

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Snake

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 104 lbs.

Designer: melou

Known Relationships/Family:

Aretha Asbury/Ambivalence (wife) (first met January 17, 2020) (married March 18, 2023)

Ame Nishiyomi (twin sister)

Hinata Nishiyomi (mother) (born April 18th, 1979)

Kenji Nishiyomi (father) (born March 12th, 1980)

Ame Nishiyomi (daughter) (born February 26th, 2021)

Occupation: Animal caretaker

Specific Song: Kagamine HachiHachi Flower Fight

Song Producer: Moja-P

Specific Song Anniversary: December 26, 2009

Game Debut: Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F

Aura: Elegant/Beauty

Background Story: Phoenix and his sister do everything together. Ame is pretty much the exact opposite of Phoenix, she does not like any kind of perfume and he does. That's why whenever she goes shopping for perfume or candles, she gives them to her brother.

When he was only 2 years old, he became sick with a life-threatening illness that he actually died from. The doctors could do nothing to bring him back except inject phoenix blood in him. So they did that (since it was their only option) and Phoenix was revived, to their surprise. But he immediately transformed and left the hospital. He never got sick again thanks to this.

Everyone in the city knows about Phoenix's other form, that's why Ame gave him the nickname Firebird. But the transformation happens randomly and Phoenix can't really control it. He burnt a whole forest next to the town because of it. Now he has better control of his transformation.

Fun Facts:

- This Len module, Fallin' Down #5 (or his real name Branden Bunton), Make Me Your No.1 #6 (or his real name Flanagan Eizenstat), and Hitoshizuku X Yama Music Setting Material Collection Miku (or her real name Astrid Albanesi) are all birthday twins.

- He has a whole closet of different-colored kimonos. He likes wearing the red one that he wears in his video of Kagamine HachiHachi Flower Fight and his original kimono the most. He likes wearing the red one I mentioned earlier on Christmas Eve and a green one on Christmas Day.

- He speaks English, Chinese, and Japanese. So having conversations with Emerald (or her real name Cuìlǜ) and Japanese modules like Snow Miku 2018 (or her real name Hitomi), Kasha, and Moonlight Butterfly (or her real name Tsukiko) is not a problem for him. He also knows sign language, so he can communicate with Hello World (or her real name Halley Handrolez), and Yukata Len (or his real name Minoru Ikeda), who are deaf.

- Since he hasn't gotten sick ever since he was 2 years old, he knows how to take care of modules that are sick with stuff like the flu, stomachaches, or common colds. So, if you get sick with either one of these things, just call him and he'll literally stay with you until you get better.

- If you go in his room or get close to him, you can smell the perfume that he's wearing from a mile away. He puts perfume on every day. You can also feel the heat coming from him. He has really high body temperature. So, if you're really cold, just give him a hug and you'll feel warm instantly. He's pretty much like a human fireplace.

- His house is like a rescue shelter for cats and dogs that are victims of animal abuse & neglect. So far, he's housed 50 cats and dogs. It's okay, because his house is quite big. Some cats and dogs stay outside, some stay inside. The first pet he took in was a male Saint Bernard named Roscoe. The latest pet he took in was a female Dalmatian named Cinder. Ame doesn't really mind all the noise. She loves pets just as much as her brother does. And she helps her brother feed and play with every pet. But the pets only listen to Phoenix, since he's the one who saves them.

- The shamisen he plays was a gift from his mother. And she got that from her mother. It's an instrument that has been passed down for 3 generations.

- Like Yukata Len, Phoenix loves flowers. Behind his house is a big greenhouse filled with all kinds of flowers. His favorite flower is the rose.

- He has heard that Magical Mirai 2019 (or her real name Alexis Nile) loves all kinds of animals. She helps him care for the cats and dogs in his house everyday after school and on the weekends.

- His girlfriend Ambivalence (or her real name Aretha Asbury) is allergic to cats and dogs. But Phoenix's pets are pretty obedient, and they stay away from her.

- Phoenix has an animal-related YouTube channel. In his videos, he talks about his pets and about how he rescued each of them. He also films them doing cute things. He's got a fair number of subscribers. Ame helps him film sometimes.

- Phoenix celebrates Chinese New Year every year. He wears the lucky colors all day and puts up decorations of the year's animal all around his house.

And here's a link to the song if you haven't heard it before.

And here's the other version of this song. It's a little different than the Project DIVA version, and the music is different.

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