Bebop Knave

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Module Name: Bebop Knave

Real Name: Bernard Forrester (the real name was TammyChan180's idea).

Nickname(s): Bebop, Bernie

Date Of Birth: April 21, 2004

Age: 20

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Monkey

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 130 lbs.

Known Relationships/Family:

Sybil Crylistion/Space Channel 5 (girlfriend) (September 11, 2020)

Polly Forrester/Poppin' Delight (twin sister) 

Tia-Jane Forrester/Trip The Light Fantastic (older sister)

Doreen Forrester (mother)

Leonardo Forrester (father)

Ethan Bront/Eraser (adoptive younger brother)

Oliver Bront/Originator (adoptive older brother)

Jenae Forrester (daughter) (born July 12th, 2022)

Jonie Forrester (daughter) (born July 12th, 2022)

Gavin Bront (nephew) (born March 20th, 2020)

Likes: neon/bright colors, Christmas (the holiday, not the modules)

Dislikes: the fact that he's blind, getting yelled at (he gets easily upset like Ciel does)

Strengths: Playful, funny

Weaknesses: Blind, unappreciated

Occupation: College student (he's currently a sophomore) & singer in a band

Specific Song: Shake It!

Song Producer: emon(Tes.)

Specific Song Anniversary: April 21, 2012

Game Debut: Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX

Fun Facts:

- He's usually the one out of the Forrester kids that gets bullied the most.

- Unlike his twin sister Poppin' Delight and his older sister Trip The Light Fantastic, he is blind. He was born blind. He usually gets bullied for this reason. But his sisters and parents still love him just the way he is.

- Since he can't see anything, he usually needs help from his sisters or his parents to walk, eat, and many other simple things.

- He has a black Labrador Retriever named Honey. She is a seeing-eye dog, so the puppy can help him walk around the house and around school.

- Because of his blindness, he doesn't have many friends.

- He doesn't like getting yelled at by people. He can easily get upset, like Ciel. When people do yell at him, he starts to cry until you calm him down.

- He can sort of tell people apart based on their touch. Just touch his hands, his shoulders, his back, etc. and he can try to guess on who's touching him.

- Unlike Space Channel 39 (or her real name Celeeniaa Zapporlgexvekei), who is half blind, Bebop is completely blind. Because of this, they are really good friends.

Here's a link to the song if you haven't heard it before. 

I need to consider putting song links to the other headcanons as well. Anyway, I'll see you guys next time!

Len Module Headcanons, I SupposeWhere stories live. Discover now