Fraud Casino

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Module Name: Fraud Casino

Other Names: Trickery Casino, Cheating Casino

Real Name: Finn Hightower (the real first name was TammyChan180's idea. The real last name was yukicleopatra's idea).

Japanese: イカサマ⇔カジノ

Romaji: Ikasama Casino

Nickname(s): Fraud, Trickery, Cheating

Date Of Birth: April 1, 2001

Age: 23

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Aries

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Snake

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 118 lbs.

Designer: Suzunosuke

Known Relationships/Family:

Brandi Vicks/Phantom Thief Miku (girlfriend) (December 19, 2020)

Fauna Hightower/Fraud Casino Rin (twin sister)

Roland Hightower (father) (born February 14th, 1972)

Susan Hightower (mother) (born March 28th, 1975)

Otome Tsukiyo/Maiden Of The Moonlit Night Len (boyfriend) (November 25, 2021)

Lena Tsukiyo-Hightower (daughter, with Otome) (born April 1st, 2024)

Caige Tsukiyo-Hightower (daughter, with Otome) (born April 1st, 2024)

Vegas Tsukiyo-Hightower (son, with Otome) (born July 10th, 2024)

Aurelius Vicks-Tsukiyo (son, with Otome) (born April 20th, 2024)

Crystal Vicks-Tsukiyo (daughter, with Otome) (born July 10th, 2024)

Occupation: Unknown

Specific Song: Fraud Casino

Song Producers: Hitoshizuku-P & Yama

Specific Song Anniversary: April 1, 2012

Fun Facts:

- This Len module and Enthusiasm! Golf Meiko (or her real name Meagan Goddard) are birthday twins.

- Finn's favorite colors are black and yellow.

- Finn and Fauna's parents own the Hightower casino.

- Finn's favorite game to play in the casino is blackjack, while his sister's is craps.

- These twins are friends with Temptation Luka (or her real name Tenille Vaillant) because they work together.

- Finn and Fauna always see Thelma (Phantom Thief Meiko), Thaddeus (Phantom Thief Kaito), and Brandi (Phantom Thief Miku) in the casino.

- Finn is a true gentleman to anyone, even the most small-minded of people.

- Finn and Fauna used to have fake IDs to enter their parents' casino. Now that they're old enough, they don't have to do that anymore.

And here's his specific song if you haven't heard it before. I totally recommend it.

I'll see you guys in the next headcanon!

Len Module Headcanons, I SupposeWhere stories live. Discover now