Lovely Shaker

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Module Name: Lovely Shaker

Real Name: Frankie Radsinzkaya (the real name was TammyChan180's idea).

Nickname(s): Shaker

Date Of Birth: December 5, 2001

Age: 22

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Snake

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 135 lbs.

Designer: mayuko

Known Relationships/Family:

Drew Radsinzkaya/Lovely Shaker Rin (twin sister)

Spencer Atkinson/Wanopo Remixes 01 Miku (girlfriend) (October 16, 2022)

Occupation: College student (he's currently a senior)

Specific Song: Lovely Shaker

Song Producer: mayuko

Specific Song Anniversary: December 5, 2011

Fun Facts:

- This Len module and Connecting Luka (or her real name Minna Tinney) are birthday twins.

- Frankie is a BIG supporter of the LGBT community. He has friends that are gay and lesbian. While he isn't gay himself, he likes all people of all genders, so this means he doesn't care what gender he gets attracted to to spend the rest of his life with.

- Drew and Frankie have a YouTube channel of them doing the dumbest things ever. They make people laugh.

Here's a link to Lovely Shaker if you haven't heard it before.

As always, keep those requests coming and I'll see you guys soon!

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