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Module Name: Kokutan-douji

Real Name: Kokutan Douji (this name is canon).

Japanese: 黒檀童子

Kanji Meaning: Ebony Tree Kid

Nickname(s): Koku

Date Of Birth: December 21, 2003

Age: 20

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Goat

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 97 lbs.

Designer: Ichika

Known Relationships/Family:

Mai Nadeshiko/Nadeshiko (girlfriend) (April 5, 2021)

Kayo Sudou (second adoptive mother)

Juliet Alfaro/Judgement (third adoptive mother & boss)

Likes: serving justice

Dislikes: killing people, especially the ones that he cares about (he's kind of a softie), when his foster mother doesn't spend time with him

Strengths: Kind, gentle, friendly, strong

Weaknesses: Lonely

Occupation: College student (he's currently a sophomore), bailiff, & executioner

Overall Description: A lonely Japanese-born Len module that's trying to adapt to his new life in the United States

Specific Song: The Weathered Head At Onigashima

Song Producer: Akuno-P/mothy

Specific Song Anniversary: February 25, 2015

Background Story: Not much is known about this baby, except he executed someone. A Luka module by the name of Kayo Sudou, also known as the Tailor of Enbizaka. The reason why he killed Kayo was because she killed an entire family known as the Miroku family (Kai, Mei, Miku, and Rin). And he volunteered to carry out with her execution, even though he didn't want to kill her.

When he first arrived in Negi Root City, his plane had crashed. And he was the only survivor. But he was seriously injured. The first house he saw was Juliet Alfaro (Judgement)'s. He knocked on the door before he fainted. Judgement found him and took him to the hospital. He was a really lucky boy. After he was free to leave the hospital a few weeks later, Judgement adopted him, seeing as he had nowhere to go and no one to take care of him.

Fun Facts:

- This Len module, Vocalo Vision Rin (or her real name Josiane Royal), and Vocalo Vision Len (or his real name Ricardo Royal) are all birthday twins.

- Kokutan was born in Jakoku, a small country close to Lucifenia.

- He usually hesitates when he executes someone, like he doesn't want to kill them.

- The reason why Kayo killed the Miroku family was because Kai, the father, killed her husband and her infant son.

- Usually his foster mother tells him about the crimes that people have committed. And then Kokutan would ask the person or persons if they have any final words.

- Because of her job as a judge, Juliet doesn't spend a lot of time with Kokutan. She's more like a boss to him than a mother. It's probably because she doesn't know how to take care of a teenager.

- When he's not doing his job, he's either at home, at school, or in the courthouse watching his foster mom work. He can sometimes be seen in the audience whenever there's a trial going on.

- He has learned how to sew back in Japan.

- Kokutan doesn't always chop heads off. There are other ways to execute criminals. Kokutan can do decapitations, lethal injections, execute criminals by hanging, gas chambers, electric chairs, or firing squad.

Here's his specific song sung by Gakupo.

See you guys at the next headcanon!

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