Genealogy Of Red, White, And Black

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Module Name: Genealogy Of Red, White, And Black

Real Name: Prince Edison (the real first name was my idea. The real last name was yukicleopatra's idea).

Japanese: 赤と白と黒の系譜

Romaji: Aka to Shiro to Kuro no Keifu

Nickname(s): None

Date Of Birth: April 10, 1995

Age: 29

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Aries

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Pig

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 125 lbs.

Known Relationships/Family:

Snow Underwood (nèe White)/Genealogy Of Red, White, And Black Rin (ex-girlfriend)

Diana Goldenbury/Monopolized Romance Miku (girlfriend) (December 10, 2022)

Otto Edison/Out Of Edison (younger brother)

Martin Edison (son) (born April 10th, 2024)

Occupation: Unknown

Specific Song: Genealogy Of Red, White, And Black

Song Producer: Hitoshizuku-P & Yama

Specific Song Anniversary: April 10, 2015

Fun Facts:

- This Len module and Beastly Madness have the same first name. However, their last names are different.

- This Len is more of an antagonizing Len, like Trickster. You don't want to mess with him.

- This Len is considered a killer and rapist, like Vampire's Pathos.

- This Len's specific song was uploaded on the same exact day as Trickster's sequel song: The Sleeping Princess. Both songs are 24 minutes apart.

- This Len has encountered death at least 3 times. And came back from the dead 3 times.

- This Len likes snakes, unlike most of the Len modules like Patissier Hansel and Ciel.

- This Len abuses his younger brother Otto [Out Of Eden] constantly. He even threatened to kill him because he calls him an abomination and wishes that he was never born.

And here's the specific song.

See you guys in the next chapter!

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