Queen Thumbelina

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Module Name: Queen Thumbelina

Real Name: Kaison Thurber (the real name was yukicleopatra's idea).

Japanese: クイーン・サンベリーナ

Nickname(s): Queen

Date Of Birth: February 5, 1999

Age: 25

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Tiger

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 142 lbs.

Designer: Suzunosuke

Known Relationships/Family:

Floella Thurber (nèe Quandt)/Queen Thumbelina Rin (wife) (married July 23, 2022)

Occupation: Unknown

Specific Song: Queen Thumbelina

Song Producers: Hitoshizuku-P & Yama

Specific Song Anniversary: February 5, 2021

Fun Facts:

- How did these 4 friends first meet? Queen Thumbelina Kaito (or his real name Rylan Underwood) and Queen Thumbelina Gakupo (or his real name Phillip Edmonds) have been best friends since preschool. They did everything you can think of together. And I mean everything. From sleepovers, to out of school hangouts, to going to events together, to playing in the snow, they did everything. They are two peas in a pod. Thankfully their friendship continued on in their adulthood.

- In 2017, Rylan was scrolling through Instagram. He saw Queen Thumbelina Rin (or her real name Floella Quandt)'s profile there. He told Phillip about it, and he told him to talk to her. Rylan was worried that Floella would ignore him on the spot, or even reject him. But Phillip encouraged him to do it. Rylan ended up chickening out because he was too nervous. The next day, Rylan told Phillip about what happened, and then Phillip started going on and on about how fun of a person Floella is, and that he saw her as a good friend. This made Rylan jealous. Yet given that Phillip succeeded in talking to Floella, then he can do it too.

- He shot her a DM, and they talked. That was when he knew that she wasn't that bad of a person after all. About 2 years later, Rylan and Phillip had developed a crush on Floella. They both confessed to her, but she turned them down. Why? Because the week before, she started dating Queen Thumbelina Len (or his real name Kaison Thurber). But Floella was nice about it, and that she is fine with being friends.

- She asked Rylan and Phillip if they wanted to meet Kaison. They all agreed to meet at an iHOP in the area, although they live in different towns. So they all went there, they talked, ate, and that's the story on how they became friends.

- Before the craze with Kaison and Floella, Rylan and Phillip were still best friends. They once went on a cruise trip, where they met Tyrone. His father was the captain of the ship. Curious boys, they learned all about how the ship works, and befriended Tyrone on the way.

- Roderic came in when the two best friends were at a Fourth Of July barbecue, and back then, Roderic was a baby. They had a duty to watch him. So they became his friend, even though he was a baby, but as he got older, the friendship became more true.

- Kaison is currently pregnant with his and Floella's first child together. Their baby will be a boy, and he will be born on September 7th, 2024.

Here's the specific song:

See you guys in the next chapter!

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