Immoral Memory

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Module Name: Immoral Memory

Real Name: Isaiah Mencke (the real name was yukicleopatra's idea).

Japanese: 背徳の記憶

Romaji: Haitoku no Kioku

Nickname(s): Immoral

Date Of Birth: December 1, 2003

Age: 20

Sexuality: Asexual/Straight

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Goat

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 80 lbs.

Designer: HaruAki

Known Relationships/Family:

Kenan Mencke/Immoral Memory Kaito (older brother)

Gideon Mencke/Immoral Memory Gakupo (older brother)

Mara Mencke (mother, incarcerated) (born May 17th, 1962)

Tobias Mencke (father, incarcerated) (born January 2nd, 1960)

Likes: Playing guitar, being alone, singing

Dislikes: Being made fun of by other modules, when people mention the scar over his eye, when people bother him, being reminded of his parents' abusive behavior or his brothers' deaths, his own birthday, being touched without his permission (even if it's only caressing), nightmares

Strengths: Pretty, caring

Weaknesses: Distant, lonely, quiet, frail

Occupation: Unknown

Specific Song: The Immoral Memory ~The Lost Memory~

Song Producer: Natsu-P

Specific Song Anniversary: December 1, 2011

Background Story: Immoral Memory, or his real name Isaiah, was born from abusive parents. These parents didn't bother naming him after he was born. However, his two older brothers Gideon and Kenan (the Kaito and Gakupo modules from the specific song) gave him the name Isaiah and raised him like parents, even though Gideon and Kenan were really young.

Everyday was the same to Isaiah. His parents would beat him up. They would even tie him up with rope, grab a knife, and take turns cutting him. Gideon and Kenan would usually find him with cuts on his body. But luckily they have a first aid kit, which needs to be restocked all the time because this happens everyday. Even when Isaiah started school, there would be bullies that would pick on him.

When Gideon started college, he got a condo and he and Kenan decided to take Isaiah with them. They're tired of the constant abuse that their parents give their younger brother. While in the condo, they would write their own music together. And thus, The Immoral Memory was born. Gideon and Kenan were impressed with Isaiah's singing voice and how good it was.

When Isaiah was 12 years old, it was a cold night, on Christmas Eve. A fire occurred at the condo, killing both Gideon and Kenan instantly. Requiem the Kaito module found Isaiah outside of the burned condo, captured him, and brought him to his own castle. And that's when he saw Loren (Lovelessxxx), Fabio (Fate:Rebirth) and Ian (Imitation Black). It's unclear on how the Natsu-P Lens met for the first time.

About 4 years later, Agitation, Ciel, and Silent Voice found them while rescuing some other Mikus and Rins from Requiem and Trickster. They were finally able to leave and go home. But there was a problem. The boys' homes all got destroyed because of Requiem. Arnold (Arrest Rose) decided to let them live with him.

And that's where we stand today. Isaiah still gets nightmares about his brothers' deaths and his parents' abusive behavior every night. He also gets flashbacks whenever someone tries to touch him. And he suffers from PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorder, and depression after all he's been through with his parents. He sometimes wishes that he was never born in the first place. But he's got his friends by his side.

Fun Facts:

- This Len module and Lollipop Factory Luka (or her real name Katelyn Lorenz) are birthday twins.

- Immoral Memory and Lollipop Factory share the same anniversary, however Lollipop Factory is older. Lollipop Factory was uploaded at 3:36 AM, while Immoral Memory was uploaded on 5:48 PM.

- The name Isaiah means "salvation of God" in Hebrew.

- His entire family have first names that come from the Holy Bible.

- He's pretty much the outcast out of the Natsu-P Lens. He's also the quietest. He only speaks whenever he has to. He has recently decided to be selectively mute and only talks to people he trusts, like his brothers.

- Isaiah is the youngest out of the Natsu-P Lens. He's only 6 months younger than Ian Blakewood [Imitation Black].

- He got the scar on his left eye from Requiem Kaito (or his real name Raphael Nobles) as a mean birthday present. He was one of his slaves for 5 years.

- When it comes to other people besides his 4 friends, he tends to hide behind one of the other Natsu-P Lens or runs away in fear. He's afraid people will judge him because he has a scar over his eye. I guess this is why he doesn't have a girlfriend yet or why he doesn't celebrate his own birthday.

- Whenever you approach this Len module, he always has that look in his eyes that remind you of a scared animal. He's especially scared of people with heterochromia, or people that have one eye that's a different color than the other eye (for example, Silent Voice, White Eve, etc.) because both of his parents have it.

- He's pretty uncomfortable about his body. Some of the abuse that his parents and Requiem gave him in his childhood healed over time, but some remained.

- He cries himself to sleep every night.

- He only sings when he thinks he's alone.

- Isaiah is so far the only Len module that doesn't use Zoom. Probably because he doesn't have that many friends.

- Isaiah has not had his first kiss yet. He's saving it for someone he really trusts.

- Isaiah also suffers from emotional meltdowns. At least 20 times a month. They're usually random, and sometimes he doesn't know why he starts crying. These meltdowns can last all day without treatment.

- The only times where it's okay to touch Isaiah is when he's unconscious.

- He struggles with anxiety, where he trembles violently and his breathing starts to go faster. The best way to deal with his breathing is to tell him gently to breathe slowly and he'll listen to you. And with his anxiety, the best way to deal with that is to give him a back massage. He'll instantly relax under your touch.

- Isaiah is scared of taking baths and showers. The reason why is because he gets flashbacks of his mother trying to drown him in the bathtub when he was 4 years old.

- Mara and Tobias, despite their ages, still look like they're in their 30s and are really strong. Don't underestimate their power.

Here's a link to the song if you have not heard it before. If you haven't heard it yet, I'd recommend this song.

And here's the 2018 live version.

See you guys in the next chapter!

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