Chapter 24: Rule One of a Dark Secret is Don't Talk About the Dark Secret!

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Back to Luna's story for now, lovelies! Stay fresh my little kits! 8D

        -Luna the Space Fox


Author's notes




"{Pokemon speech}"

Disclaimer: If I owned Pokemon, this wouldn't be a Wattpad fanfiction and the Sun/Moon anime would have the same animators as X/Y~


        Luna woke up to Thunderclap screaming. She jolted up, already out of bed to investigate what happened. There was no attacker or intruder, instead, a shocked and weary, white-furred Raven was standing beside him, apologizing profusely. The Jolteon held his stumpy tail close to him, massaging it and suppressing future wails.

        "{I'm so sorry, dear, I didn't mean to step on your tail. I can't see nearly as well in the dark with my day form eyes, and I forgot you were right by the door,}" The Espeon soothed her younger brother, nuzzling his face with her own.

        That meant the sun was up, so Luna, and Cloudy, would have to go to school quite soon. Yawning, Luna grabbed some clean clothes from her drawer and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. The other Eeveelutions settled back down, but soon realized they would probably have to get up soon anyway.

       Finally, Luna emerged from the bathroom in a skin-tight black belly shirt, with matching black skinny jeans and combat boots. She had put in her crescent moon-shaped hoop earrings, which were the same blue as Midnight's rings. "{You look like me, today, sis!}" The shiny Umbreon joked.

"Mhmm," Luna hummed absentmindedly, not looking up from whatever was in her palm. Midnight leapt onto the bed, and from there, her trainer and sister's shoulder. Midnight looked down to see Luna holding a photo of their family from many years ago.

        None of the siblings had evolved, and Luna was still a young girl. Though they were all, besides Luna, still Eevees at the time, Midnight could tell them apart from one another. At the center of the picture was the gentle, kind, loving Eevee mother they all missed dearly.

        Her pale fingers ran over the image, a deep sorrow in her eyes. Midnight nuzzled into Luna's neck, trying to comfort her. "{I know you miss her, Lu. We do, too.}"

        "I-I know," the Pokegirl choked back. "I just wish she was still here to see how far we've come along. She took me in, even though I was a human and both her and you all were Pokemon. She loved me like I was her real daughter!" Tears began to flow down her cheeks.

        Midnight burrowed deeper into her neck, licking her cheeks in an attempt to cheer her up. "{Please don't cry, Luna. She would want us to keep living on, right? Cloudy's first day at the Pokemon School is today. You get to introduce her to all your friends and show her around, and teach her about Z-Moves and Alola forms!}"

        Luna sat back down at the edge of her bed and lifted Midnight into her arms, embracing her sister. "You're right. I shouldn't be crying over her anymore, after all these years of being without her. We should get cleaned up before the others notice," she sniffled, wiping her eyes with her sleeve.

        "{That's the spirit. Come on, let's start making breakfast and surprise everyone!}"

        Little did they know, a certain golden-eyed Pokemon heard every word of their conversation. She pawed at the swirling gemstone embedded in her forehead. "{Don't worry, Mom. I'm going to set everything right someday. I won't let you down.}"


        "Luna, you shouldn't have! A whole breakfast, just for us!?" Cloudy exclaimed as she stepped into the kitchen/dining room, immediately noticing the scent of pancakes, bacon, and Pokepuffs being cooked.

        The older sister smiled, all traces of her earlier sadness gone. "It is your first day at Pokemon School after all, so we all need a hearty meal. The others wanted to tag along with me again today to show you the reins, so I needed enough to feed the twelve of us!"

        "Thanks, big sis!" The silver-haired girl thanked as she sat down at the breakfast bar, a glass of Custap Berry juice already at her place. There were two other plates on the bar once Luna came out, steaming hot food on them. A moment later she filled the nine bowls on the floor, Midnight hopping down from her shoulder to wake her siblings.

        The shiny Umbreon returned a moment later with the other Eeveelutions and the Eevee himself, who each found their bowl with their favorite flavor Pokepuffs in them. Luna and Cloudy's mom also woke up a few minutes later, joining them for the meal before wishing them on their way for school.

        "So you really know how to use over ten Pokemon moves?" Cloudy asked as they walked towards the Pokemon School.

        Luna beamed, Henri on one shoulder and Midnight on the other. "Eleven, to be exact! But it may as well be nine, because I'm horrible at Psychic-Type moves!"

        Raven, who had stayed further behind the ground than usual, thought to herself.

        Well of course. You and I cannot fully connect the way you can with the others. As the eldest I inherited all responsibility, and part of that is learning to keep secrets from those you care about to keep them safe. We've only Synchro-Mega Evolved once, and you fainted from shock upon seeing my form. I've had to manipulate your memories to believe we have connected more than that, but it's all out of love. One day we will truly connect, but not while I still bear my secrets. For now, you must walk without my true power.

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