Chapter 22:  The Sound of Her Voice Resounds in Someone's Heart.

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>> "—-That voice, I recall it many times." Muttering to herself, Phyra holds onto her chest. Still standing on the place where she saw the mysterious woman in veil, she can't find any will to move.

The voice of someone who sings a lullaby or a prayer to reach the person she dears the most filled with love and care. A longing feeling of a person to the dearest thing, or feeling that wanted to be recognized.

"Phyra! Where are you! Phyra!" hearing the calling of the voices she familiarizes with, Phyra looked on her back and sees Freedert and the others with their worried expression.

"Ah, I have school! Oh, crap!" dashing out on that place, Phyra follows the voices calling her from the distant. She runs as fast as she could to see the people who are in need of her.

That then, reaching Freedert, Phyra embraces her tight. "Ah! Phyra! Where have you been? We've been worried about—-"

"Hey, won't Freedert leave Phyra... right?" Phyra utters. Without any thoughts having inside her mind, she just blurts those words out. Phyra got the urge to ask that question.

"What are you saying? I won't leave you or anything." Freedert answers. "Promise me... Promise me, that you won't leave..."

"I dunno what happen, but we won't leave you." Kielle muttered as she taps Phyra's shoulder. "Yeah, we're your friends... right?" Freedert look at Leonor and Kael. Kael did nod, but Leonor diverts his eyes upon.

"Thanks, guys. Phyra loves you all!" getting off, Phyra stated and looks at her friends. "Y-yeah, we love you as well." Leonor muttered bashfully. That then, Freedert seeks the young boy blushing all over after hearing his statement.

"Well then, let's go to school now." Kielle cheered up. The whole gang walked the school after that, leaving the forest of Fairies with their lively chat.

• • • • • •

>> After class.

Everyone decided to ride in a wagon travelling back to the town of Jill together. Carriage with the empty bottles of milk delivering to the school for the students, Phyra and everyone sits in each corner.

As like in the morning, everyone keeps their lively demeanor ramming over the whole travel. Yet, Phyra remained quiet while she thinking about the things happened for today.

The woman she sees, with a huge pair of wings like hers and crimson scales glimmering under the light of sun. Also, the pair of golden eyes resembling to hers; it made her feel frantic to know who that woman is.

"Phyra?" Freedert suddenly called her out. "Ah, Freedert?" Phyra utters. "Are you fine, you're spacing out..."

"Yeah, I'm just tired... a little." She gives a sincere smile to the girl. Kielle and the others look worried at Phyra after. This is the first time they saw their friend being too spacious about something.

The sound of cartwheel echoing around and the shaky feeling gives off in the wagon they're riding. "What do you wanna do after our graduation?" suddenly, Leonor opens up a question.

Looking at his group, he gives a smile. "I'm planning to enter military after grade school. My father is a soldier in the kingdom so I wanna be like him." He stated out. Leonor tries to take the quiet and uncomfortable atmosphere through asking question. Might be this, the whole gang will say something as well.

"I'm planning to take higher education in the city; papa says that at least, I get a degree." Freedert answers. "What about you, Kielle?" Leonor asked. "Me? I wanna be an adventurer, or maybe a patisserie. Mom always likes baking, and dad is an adventurer... but that might change." Her boyish looks shows a girlish expression. Seem that it's quite odd.

"I wanna be a merchant. Father will help me to be like one since he is a merchant."

Kael answered, as he looked at everyone. "What about you, Phyra? What you wanna be after?" Leonor musters the courage to ask. His eyes look directly to Phyra. Freedert looks at the boy, and sees the passion on his looks upon her friend.

"Phyra? Phyra's wanna stay with papa forever." With a calm answer, Phyra stated. "Phyra don't wanna separate with papa. Papa is everything to Phyra. Papa is Phyra look up to, that's why... wherever papa is, Phyra will go."

That answer made everyone feel wonder about Phyra's feelings. Leonor shows dejected expression after that. He can't express the feeling heeding inside him. "You really love your papa very much, huh?" Kielle blurts out.

"Yeah, papa is warm and kind. Papa seeks well to Phyra every day. Papa loves me, even if Phyra and papa aren't related."

Phyra's expression became gentle after. But then, a sudden flashback of memory comes up to her mind. The memory of the woman in veil, singing a lonely lullaby that beckons her to seek what's beyond the forest.

Phyra jolted out.

Her chest feels warm, yet there's something ambiguous she wanted to seek. It's different from what Paul gives to her. It seems like, everything's gonna be fine if she seeks more for that ambiguous feeling.

The voice she hears never falter to fade away. It keeps echoing; trying to surpass everything and anything she has.

"Phyra wanna understand these feelings."

Whispering those thoughts to her, Phyra closes her eyes while remembering the voice of the woman she heard. The voice of someone keeps taunting her to know further. "Your voice keeps echoing in my heart." She speaks in a gentle manner.

• • • • • •

>> The moon rises above the night sky, blooming with beauty as it shines along with the sea of stars. At the fence of the village alongside the road is Isaac sitting, looking upon the stars.

On his hand is a piece of metal that has a rectangular shape. Its stainless appearance glimmer through the moonlight; holding it on his hands, he then puts it near his mouth.

His lips blows the hole headed through the lip part and a gentle harmony resounded on the tranquil place. That then, "Having a trouble to sleep?" a familiar voice he knew suddenly fills.

Looking beside him is Fyrnyr standing, as she gives a gentle smile illuminates on the moonlight. Her eyes, those gold hue eyes glimmer like gold, and he finds it really pinnacle.

"Ms. Fyrnyr..." Isaac calls out. "I like the sound you make, the harmonica... isn't it?" looking at the instrument. "Yeah, I remember dad, though it's too vague. Elder told me how to play this instrument."

Smiling at Fyrnyr, Isaac stated those words. "I see." Fyrnyr then looks above the sky as well. Her eyes glimmer further, as the sea of stars shine through the night sky. "You look merrier today, Ms. Fyrnyr. Did something happen?"

Ah, that's right... since a while ago, Fyrnyr was crying a lot and Isaac couldn't find any chance to ask what happened. Fyrnyr tilts her head and look at the young man.

"My child... the heavens answered my prayer. I saw her in the forest of Fairies." Giving that answer, Fyrnyr shows a warm smile at him, it's genuine, and really something.

"I'm glad for you, Ms. Fyrnyr." Isaac answers after. "But..." her smile turns to frown after that, as her eyes averts off. "What is it?" with wonder, Isaac couldn't help but to ask the question as he gazes back at the sky.

"It's not the right time yet. I feel like, if I come to get her... it will just turn to chaos. My child would rampage. She might hesitate to come to me."

Fyrnyr's voice fills with hesitation after stating those words. "You think so?" Isaac muttered. Fyrnyr then look at Isaac after that. "I think your child won't hesitate to come with you. It might be, she's longing to see you."

Isaac then looks at Fyrnyr and shows a reassuring smile after. "I'm sure... she's waiting for you as well."

Fyrnyr's feeling suddenly wavered after hearing Isaac's thoughts. "She's your child, so I think that won't happen."

"Yeah, you're right." a kind smile showed on her lips. Fyrnyr believes that the time will come that she and her child will be together. And that will happen soon enough. 

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