Chapter 09:  The Thought of a Father to Her Daughter's Future.

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>> Since the growth of Seamstress Shop of Efnir just this week, everything turns vehement. Customers are implying orders, and Efnir accepts them without any second thought.

In my part, as well as Phyra, we do other things to help her out. I'm the one who weaves the silk out since Efnir has a garden of silkworms. Phyra helps her by doing some simple stuffs; most of the time, she's just staring at Efnir doing her job.

And now, everything settles down. Efnir finishes the orders at the exact time by herself. It seems that she's been used to making these for about three to four days, without stopping.

"Everything's settle down, it's time to have a celebration!" declaring out loud, Efnir raises her hand while sitting at the stool. "Uh, before that... I think you should go and sleep first. You're making every purchased order by yourself." I utter.

"Huh? But I'm totally fine." Efnir stated, as she stands up. However, her legs shaken and she tripped down. Out of the reflex, I catch her up. "See, you're exhausted. It's still early, go and have some rest."

Looking at me with astounded expression, Efnir nodded out. "Okay, if that's what you want, Mr. Paul."

"Seriously, you're quite handy. But make sure to take care of yourself as well, alright?" I help her stand up. "Elder sister. Rest!" Phyra joined up and holds Efnir's hand.

"Yeah, elder sister will take a rest. I'll just close the shop for today." With her sincere expression, Efnir declare. I smile at her, as well as Phyra. "We will just go somewhere here in town. We will be back soon."

Efnir nodded as Phyra and I go out of the shop. "Take care, you two." She sees us out. "Yeah, good night. Efnir." I utter. "Goodnight!" Phyra waved at her as well. Efnir nods and waves at us after that, then we decided to go somewhere around here.

As always, the whole town is lively. Merchants and stalls are open to call out customers; as well, taverns and food chains are welcoming patrons to enter their shop.

It's been a week since I arrive here, and the booming sale of Seamstress shop of Efnir gave me a little amount of money to provide what Phyra needs. Efnir says that she has some spare clothes that can give to me and Phyra, but I just can't accept it without anything to give over.

I wanna give something to her in behalf of accepting us. "Papa," as we walk along the street, Phyra calls me out. "Hmmm? What is it?" I asked. Looking at her, Phyra directs her eyes onto the stall of a man selling skewered grilled meat.

Just like what we had been here before, the man is still at that place and selling skewered grilled meat. "You want that?" I asked Phyra. Her head then tilts to me after. "Want. Phyra. Papa. Buy."

The way how she says those words are quite cute. "Alright, but first, say this: Papa, please buy it for Phyra. Say it."

She looked at me, still tilting her head after. "Come on, say it." I added. "Papa, please buy it for Phyra." She utters. Whoa, the way how she says it really is amazing. "Again, say it."

"Papa. Please buy for Phyra." She says it once more. I smile at her after. "Then, let's buy it." patting her head, we go to the stall together. "Welcome." The man in his thirties greeted us with a wide smile. He has a rough expression, but could see that he's a nice person. He has a muscular physique, like a bodybuilder. On his head is a semi-scruffy style wave backwards and pair of sharp shaped eyes.

He has also mustache, and thick beard surround on his chin. His skin is not too dark. His hands are quite big, enough to squash an apple. Maybe, he's a previous adventurer?

"We want two of that skewered grill meat." I plead out. "Coming right up." The man speaks with enthusiasm. "Say, lad, you're new here? This is the first time I saw you." He asked.

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