Chapter 35:  A Group of Travelling Circus Performers With Dark Secrets.

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>> Sound of rushed gallops from afar heard. Lamps are shaking back and forth, giving a light to guide the bullock as it holds the lace. There are four horses galloping up to the dried soil at the midst of thick fog covering the whole place.

Each horses wheezing for air, as thick smoke comes out of their mouth. The carriage on the back lounges with the thick and dark cover wrapping on the side up to the roof.

From inside is the wail of small voices, crying out loud but for unknown reason. Only their small wails heard off but couldn't clearly hear because of the cartwheel bumping on the pebbles found on the lone road.

The bullock wears a thick and black coat, as well as cap on its head.

Its appearance was not well-describe; the coat covers its total shaped. Only the hands were clearly seen, wrapped up into white gloves as holding the lace and the shoes illuminates under the lamp shaking back and forth.

There are other carriages following, around 20 or more with the same structure as the first one. The feet of horses stumbles in a rush, galloping thoroughly as their nostrils gives off a thick smoke out.

"We've got a lot of bounty for these new slaves to sell, isn't 'cha?" a scruff voice gave off an excitement as it speaks. The voice hasn't been identified as a man or a woman, but it shows extreme exhilarate tone.

"A lot of bounty to sell... these kids ain't good enough to just sell, if ever, I prefer to eat them."

Another one spoke. Now a mild tone of voice gives off like a voice of a woman. In the dark their figures illuminates. Two people glaring at the cages with small children shaking in fear. Both their eyes illuminates in the darkness, the vibrant of beasts looking for their prey to eat lurks to their own presences.

"Don't scare the merchandises, you two voracious eaters." Another one speaks out. From the darkness as well that person appears, and in the moonlight it illuminates through, seeing the well-known appearance of a young man.

A young man around in his 17 years of age, wearing a long, black coat and top hat on its head, its eyes shows ferocious gaze at the two as it gives the ruby hue through.

His skin is pale and glimmering through the light.

"But it would be better for these kids to be eaten by me, a voracious demon from the demon race." The one speaks out.

"Yeah, better let these kids eaten by us. Their soft flesh and loud screams while I taking a bit is really scrumptious—-"

Without letting the other one speak further, the man raises his right arm and swayed it forward like a blade. In an instant, the blood smeared out of the cover of the tent, as the scream of children gives off from the cages. A small thud sound heard off from the flat form and under the illuminating light of the moon seeking through the small peak of the wagon is the head of the one speaking out.

The head of a man with round eyes, almost shown to gouge out and a skull face with jagged teeth like a saw. Its hair, showing scruff structure remained as it is.

The head cleanly decapitated through the way how it swayed out. "You—-you killed Jinx!? How could you—-"

"If you won't stop, I'll slit your throat and take your vocal cords off, Baba Yaga." Through the threat is a bloodlust feeling oozes after that. "I joined these circus performers to feed myself. Not to hear anyone of you giving blabber about nonsensical things."

Sudden fear and angst gives off as the man remained standing and in his hand is a smeared blood dripping down. The terrified feeling overwhelms the children to see the decapitated body rolling over and over on the floor.

"His blood won't be wasted if I drink... right?" getting the lifeless and headless body of the man, the young boy opens its mouth wide and shows the jagged teeth and long fangs as he took a bite to the shoulder part of the body.

Smears of blood squirted over his face, tainted the cheek illuminates on the moonlight. Sipping the blood out of the dead body, it slowly becomes mummified. Wringing out the blood, the fluid on it sucked out dry and throws it down on the floor.

"Such bad taste. Flesh eaters don't have good blood to taste." The man utters as he wiped the stain of blood in his mouth.

"We're getting near... on our next destination, the next town we can get tons of profit and sell to the bourgeoisie..." the bullock speaks out despite of the loud thump of galloping horses.

"We're still getting lot more merchandise huh? It would be better to perform vehemently more." The man answered as he sits on one of the cages. "Well, not that I'm looking forward further to it. But I hope we get more visitors to get what we want." He smirked out.

"Vlad..." the person named Baba Yaga speaks. "I don't give any permission of you to speak. Shut up."

From that, the person become quiet after and hides in the dark right then. As the carriage passes through the deep thick fog, so as the enormous feeling enveloped within the surroundings.

"This time, I will take every child and sell it to the slave market. Then get a profit and leave these circus performers for good. I will live a new life far away in this country."

Heaving an exhilarating sigh, the man named Vlad keeps those thoughts deeply in his heart, as the wagon passes all along the wide road filled with fogs. 

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