EXTRA CHAPTER:  Phyra's Lone Feelings without Paul Around.

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>> At that morning Paul left, I can't just hide the lonely sensation lingered inside me. The time he leaves for the caravan makes me wanna stop him.

On the vermilion sky shows the dawn, indicating the morning will come that he needs to leave. He has talked this out to Efnir, and I happen to listen to their conversation.

Yet, seeing he departing makes me wanna catch him. I don't wanna be apart to him. Paul is very special to me, he give me the feeling of assurance that I won't be alone.

On the time I was inside the egg, the feeling that no one would be there retaliates me not to go out. I know clearly, that no one will be there for me.

I know it clearly, and planned to stay inside. In the void and dark place I will just stay, but the cycle won't just follow my instincts. Even if I wanted to, having to stay inside won't do anything at all.

And at the same time, the excitement fills me up to see the outside world.

From that, the nature of me to go out of the egg felt amusing. Outside, I meet the person who I felt comfort to be with.

That person I saw in the dull situation, the reassured feelings I even do not comprehend lurked through. These unfamiliar feelings as I see his eyes made me feel at ease.

And from that, Paul made me feel special in his own way. Calling him papa is just an excuse for me to stay by his side. Paul is an existence I don't wanna lose.

Every time he's around, I feel safe. I feel that no one can harm me.

I feel that everything around me is beautiful. Seeing him sitting beside me makes these feelings grow even more. I really like Paul, no I really like papa. He's a father, a friend, a special existence just for me.

But now he needs to leave for someone's favor.

Will I see him coming back?

I wanna know, I wanna secure that he will come back to see me again. I don't wanna lose him, even just for a minute.

"... Papa...?" I called out.

"... Hey," he calls me back as well, with a smile brimming with warmth over it. Such smile he shows makes my heart feel flutter.

"I will come back here. Worry not."

Saying that word, the word I wanna hear from him reassures me. Yes, I can sense that he will come back safe. Even so, I wanna be with him more. Living without him is meaningless.

Feeling the warmth of his hand lured into my head, I utter out. "... Really, then Phyra will wait for papa to come back."

I wanna hold his hand; I feel like it would be better if I hold him. But if I do, that would be selfish of me to request he doesn't need to go.

"... Don't go..." is what I wanna say right now. Selfishness is what I have right now.

It might not be bad if I say something selfish, but won't Paul be upset to me? Even if he gets upset, I think it should be fine. As long as he's here, even if everyone gets disappointed in me, it won't be matter.

At the same time, I feel like halting from that plan. Ah, I did halt myself for being selfish. For Paul, this would be a good thing for him to discover such good things around.

I might be, one day, will do the same thing. Then, instead of grabbing his hand, I grabbed Efnir's hand and hold it tight. It seems that Efnir felt the same way, so she gripped my hand firmly as well while looking at Paul.

"... That will take you at least a whole day to travel. Be sure to take care of yourself, okay?"

Efnir sure is worrywart to papa. But I feel the same way. I wish for papa to have a safe journey going to his destination.

"Yeah, I'll be back as soon as possible." And saying that, Paul looks at Efnir and shows a glance at me after with a smile on his lips. Now that I really wanna hold him and say the words lumped inside me.

"... Lad, we need to go now." The man, who might be the leader... if I recall he is Mr. Wiz, called out to papa.

"Take care, papa." I called out. Ah, that must be the word "... Don't go, papa." I am really selfish, seeing him going without me.

"... Be sure to come back safe. I'll be waiting."

Efnir grunted out as she grabbed Paul's hands. From that I got envious. I wanna hold papa's hands as well, but I keep holding back. If I do that, it will be bad.

"Of course, you're too worrywart."

Paul chided over, as he shows an embarrassing expression. Paul is cute in many ways. To that's why, I have these special feelings reserve only for him.

After the final farewell, Paul rides in the wagon. The sunbeam shines through when the left. The new morning starts as the sound of the stomp of horses and wagons echoed in the empty street.

The cold breeze caresses my skin, but it didn't falter me to look at Paul. He took a last glance at us and shows a warm smile. That smile I won't be able to see in a while makes my heart feel something weird.

As the sun rises up in the clear azure hue sky, they left the fortress of the town together with the sound of cargo and stomp of horses.

Today, I feel like crying. I feel like running to catch up to him, and tell him what I really wanted. 'Don't go' is the word I wanna say about.

"... I really wanna say 'don't go' to him. Missing him in three days is like a huge burden."

Efnir utters out with bitter smile shown on her lips. "Elder sister...?" I called out.

Her eyes then look at me after. "... Let's trust him. I believe that Mr. Paul will be back safe and sound. Definitely, he will hold that promise."

Having that, I look at her after and look at the way the caravan leaves. They aren't already visible in my eyes. I can faintly feel Paul's presence.

With that, I unconsciously hold my chest. Clenching my fist, I murmur the words. "... Come back soon, papa." 

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