Chapter 48:  The Outstanding Feeling of a Father to the Dragon Daughter.

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>> In my world, there's a saying that: "It takes a village to raise a child." A saying that an individual's characteristics are developed completely through the people surrounds in the community.

Yet, for me... accepting the certain task to be a father to a dragon isn't an easy way. I mean, no having a relation to a child that I will raise is quite difficult task.

There's no easy way for this; it is really a hassle. But I slowly accept the fact that Phyra will grow as a fine young girl. Blending in the human society through this town, she become aware of everything and become friends with the kids.

Now that the certain role I reluctantly accept bear fruit, I see Phyra in good condition and that makes me smile as well. "... Mr. Paul, you're grinning; that's quite odd."

With a little disturbed look on Efnir's face, she called out to me. "Huh...? Am I?" I asked, looking at her with perplexed expression.

"Yeah, from time to time when you're looking at Phyra, your smile becomes somewhat like an old man ogling a young lady."

Efnir declared. She seemed seeing me as like that. "Wha—- that's quite painful. Calling me an old man, I'm still in my 20's..."

I'm at the seamstress shop right now, arranging some stuff for the new designed clothes Efnir made out. It must be displayed to attract on the bystanders.

The business is still at its boom until now. This shop is well-known for making high-class quality clothes for a low price. And from time to time, I lend a hand to Efnir to prepare some stuff.

Selling clothes at the market area is my main priority, and from that, peddlers and merchants offer me some stuff they have in exchange of the linen fabrics.

"Hey, Mr. Paul?" as I wore the dress to the mannequin, Efnir suddenly calls me out. Looking at her, I seemed that she's quite worried out due to the wagging of the tail behind her.

"... Huh...? What?" I asked.

"Last time that I saw you with Ms. Fyrnyr after we rescued Phyra, what did you two talked about?" Efnir's voice quiver out after asking that question. She seemed worrying about something right now.

"Ah, that time? I was asked to bring Phyra to the village where Fyrnyr lives right now. Since she can't come to visit, to that's why..."

I replied with a smile. Efnir nods at me, as she heaves a relief sigh. "... But why did you ask? Is something the matter?" I asked again.

That then, Efnir shows a baffled expression at me. Her cheeks blushed out as her eyes avert to look at me. "... Nothing, nothing in particular." She seemed hiding something at me right now.

But not that I can meddle to that stuff; Efnir is quite obvious through her actions. Since the time I live here, I always see her becoming more and more beautiful. Like a fine young woman, Efnir shows the charm of a beautiful (dragon) lady.

I know and I'm aware thoroughly out of her feelings for me. And from that, the distance between us must be divided into the feeling of being close as friends and the 'intimacy' as a man and woman.

She shows the awareness of being a great (dragon) elder sister-like figure to Phyra. "Ah, I remember... Mr. Paul...?" A suddenly calling happened as Efnir look at me. Meeting her eyes, I glance at how beautiful it is.

From the first time I saw her, it made me terrified. She's quite the eccentric type but as the time passes, I learned how to be used to her gaze.

"What is it?" I asked. That time we looked at each other, Efnir averts her eyes. She blushed even more while holding the frilled designed dress. What's with her? "... I just wanna say that I'm glad you came here. You know, I've been lonely for loosing dad. And I never expect that for you to come here. So, I wanna say thank you."

What's with her, saying bizarre thing like this. "... I particularly don't get what you mean about but... well, you're welcome."

With a sheepish smile I gave to her, Efnir nods at me. Seriously I dunno what's with her today.

After we prepare all of the displayed clothes near the window, I put the signage open at the door hanging to indicate that the shop is already open for customers.

"... I can manage to accept the customers; you should go with Phyra today." Efnir muttered at me as she smiles. Ah, today is the day I said to visit Fyrnyr in the village.

And right now, Phyra is currently playing with her friends outside. I nod at Efnir after and go outside to get Phyra. Exiting the shop, I go where Phyra is together with her friends.

At the plaza in the town they gathered together while playing. Freedert and the others show liveliness as I saw those playing tags together with my (dragon) daughter.

They're still bunches of brats getting along after what happened. Even Kielle who got the mark of being slave shows extreme activeness. Through that, they seemed not experiencing a horrifying trauma at all.

"Phyra, your dad's here..." Kael asked as he turns his head to look at me. Phyra stopped from running and look at me. "Papa!" running towards me with her arms open wide, Phyra embraces me.

"... Hey!" I embrace her after, as the kids looked at us. "Phyra sure is close to Mr. Paul, how I wonder what kind of papa is Mr. Paul?" Freedert suddenly utters out.

Kielle nods at me, but Leonor looked at me with fierce on his eyes.

"... And one thing here, one person is getting jealous out of Phyra being close to Mr. Paul." Kielle suggested.

"No, I'm not! I don't get jealous with Mr. Paul embracing Phyra!" Leonor burst out, as his face flustered. Is he trying to say that he likes Phyra? "Won't deny it; Leonor has really something with Phyra, after all, she's the most beautiful in our class."

Sneered out by Freedert, Leonor's face blushed even more. "Shut up! I don't have anything for Phyra. I admit she's beautiful and all but she's too childish for me!"

"But you like taking glance at her from time to time. I always caught you doing that."

Kielle chided in. Phyra just look at Leonor after, without any idea what's going on. "... Leonor, Phyra likes Leonor and everyone." Declaring out, Phyra looked at everyone.

As Kielle and Freedert heard that, they broke a smile on their lips with such flatter to that thought; as per Leonor seemed that his feelings steamed out.

"... Phyra likes everyone. Phyra loves everyone as Phyra's friends. That's why; Phyra will do anything for friends."

Her lips show a wide smile. Seriously, if only Phyra knows what does those words mean about she said to Leonor right now would be a huge misunderstanding.

"Shall we go? I promised to your mom that we will visit her today."

Holding her hand, I began to walk. Phyra holds my hand as well as she look at me and nods. "... Yeah," with a smile on her lips, we come back to the shop.

Right now, I feel the happiness of seeing my child progressing on the state where she becomes aware of everything, well, not on any part at all.

Phyra's constitution shows a fine young lady, yet her feelings and attitude shows like child. For now, that's how it works. It should be change very soon.

When will that be happening, I wonder?

Will I see the unfolding of Phyra's attitude? I may or may not. But it will happen very soon. For now I wanna enjoy this feeling. The feeling of being a protective father to her and won't let anyone gets in the way for her happiness.

I Reluctantly Became a Father to Raise a Dragon Daughter In Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now