Prologue:  The Shaman's Premonition of Catastrophe Approaching

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>> Sea of flames scattered around, filling the dark surroundings with its scorching heat. Everything around collapses; debris of establishments, scaffoldings woods of buildings, piles of things around coated in dirt and dust, as well as the ashes surrounds.

Above is the dark sky, pitch black; the sun couldn't totally notice where it is. Through the whole area are piles of corpses with their bloods splattered and smeared around.

Their faces, distorted expressions screamed in shows. As to their last breath they keep calling out for redemption, retribution, or for salvation.

On their bodies are the spears pierced inside of their chests, broken necks and arms, split bodies into two from head down, or torso up. Their dismembered body parts which couldn't identify who is who scattered thoroughly.

Amongst those people are armored soldiers also bathed with blood, might be their own or someone else. Puddle of red liquid dripped out over, as their bodies lay down on the ground, wheezing hardly to take air inside their body.

The whole place fills out with thick and black smoke, smearing above the sky to cover the blueness of it. Flicks of flames, as well as ashes fall over to cover up the dead bodies.

A catastrophic scene, so it would seem to be.

On the center of the sea of flame is a girl. Around 16 years of age, wearing a linen shirt and long skirt tainted in blood, standing in between the corpses.

Her hair dyed up with crimson, like a blood naturally flows through. The light of the flame pierces through the smooth and silky strands, like it is really a true flame.

Its eyes, the eyes of the beast that brings catastrophe to the mankind, looking fiercely with such deep disdain on through, glaring without blinking. Its angelic face, now tainted in blood, and its lips welled up with paint of red on it, and then shows a small, yet vile smirk.

On her back is a huge pair of bat-like wings spreading out. The crimson scales brimming on to the light of the flame succulent onto the beauty of the end of everything.

On her arms is a corpse of a man, smeared up in blood. Its body already battered up completely; its face couldn't even show recognition of who he is.

The only resembling through the man is a piece of accessory attaches on its wrist, the symbol of the eye of dragon and its emerald-hue scale like patterns designed around, now taints with his blood as well.

"How dare you... you kill my father. You kill my town, my friends, my love... you kill everything. All of you will pay for what you have taken from me."

The voice of the girl, fills up with remorse, disdain and hatred, sorrow, pain and rage to take everything she has. Her eyes remains looking forward, as to the person standing in front of her shows the gaze of the abyss itself.

On the person's hand is a bloodied halberd with its internal organs hanging. Petrified with emotion on its expression, the person gives a wide smirk.

"Finally, the daughter of that dragon appears in front of me. I, the grim reaper, will take you to the pits of hell with me."

That voice, a familiar voice the person looks upon, gives a hideous aura that crawls deep within. Seeking its true appearance; the silver silk strand long hair dyed along with the light of fire illuminates brightly, sparkling like a pinnacle object through the place of forsaken.

Its body armor, smears up with blood like it's already natural over there paints all over. Its eyes, the dead eyes of someone who never seeks joy or retribution; just the void of emptiness and dark swirl of abyss around glares straight.

Its face, the face of a woman bloomed through the beauty of youth was now filled with the courage to face death. The person knows thoroughly that person keeps knocking on the door of death, willing to take its damned soul to the vile pits of hell itself.

"I finally done it, thanks to that person's death that you come here to see what I really seek for. The death of you, and taking your blood and flesh with me will make everything ends up."

The person speaks, the well-known dragon slayer, Lyra, stands before the beast of destruction.

"You bastard!" the girl gritted her teeth out of rage and transforms into its real form. The bulky body, filled with crimson scale sparkling around the hellish fire surrounding.

Its huge form, giving an intimidation to anyone who looks up through, and its blazing eyes fill with hatred shows within. Lurking within is the pain, and hatred that swells deeper.

"Haha! I finally see the last crimson dragon! The last dragon I can slay to let the peace of this world remains. I, Lyra Esvern will take you to the pits of hell with me—-"

But then, before she continues to speak, a loud thump that the whole surroundings wobble likes an earthquake.

A crunch-like sound fills through, and that made everything go silent. On the field of fire the beast stands, looking down onto the ground where its feet stand. Lifting it up, the crushed body of the woman smears blood and internal organs splattered around like a mince meat shows through.

The armor plate, that fitted on its body shows like a can crushed together. Everything about the woman couldn't be recognizable anymore. Blood drip on the beast's foot, as the halberd pierces under together with the blood of the woman mixes all through.

And from that, the beast remains standing in the apocalyptic place without anyone to lean on. Standing there, the beast just glare at everything as the dark smoke fills up.

Then, its head lifts up and screams out loud to the depths of the dark sky. The scream of a beast not to give any intimidation or fear to anyone, but the scream of sorrow fills the surroundings. The loud wail strikes with pain through it succumb onto the depths of the apocalyptic place together with the pile of corpses around.

• • • • • •

>> A waft scent of herbals smears around the surroundings. Candles lit up through the whole surroundings to glow into the deep darkness swirling around.

On the small room, a person sits; crossing its legs as its eyes closes. Wearing a white robe on its body, the shape perfectly fits shown through.

On its front is a small altar fills up with ritual things to be used; a grail and small incense holder, beads and ornaments to be use to ward off evil.

On the light of the candle shows the face of a young lady, around in her 20 years of age, has a long, silky azure hue hair. Her eyes open, the eyes of a doll glows in the candle.

"A huge catastrophe is befalling to this world." Uttering deeply, the woman speaks out. That then, "Missus Aiah," a young girl called out. Her face covered in white square shaped mask and her head ties up in a ponytail style.

"Eihar," the woman named Aiah speaks. "Prepare the horse, I will inform Missus Lyra for the upcoming tragedy befalling onto her and this world." With deep cautious to her voice, Eihar then felt the fear swelling inside her.

The prophecy of this woman, Aiah, is the well known Shaman and Clairvoyant in the kingdom of Linzburk. Everyone seeks her through the essence of guidance in giving premonition.

"As you wish, Missus Aiah," Eihar then rushes through the stable to prepare the horse. As everything prepared up, Aiah leaves the room and goes out of the shrine where she lives.

Outside in the middle of the night, the full moon glows as well as the sea of stars glimmering under the night sky, as her head lifts up to look above.

Beside her is Eihar who holds a sword. Eihar is Aiah's bodyguard and the one who protects her from harm. As Aiah sits on the saddle of the horse, she then gives a command to make the horse gallops.

Through the sound of galloping, the fear inside Aiah's chest grows further. If it's not cure right away, the destruction of the world will sure to happen in the future.

At the night where everyone sleeps, a worst knowledge came up to happen. And the deliverance of information must happen right away.

In the sound of silence is the gallop of horses echoed within, holding the prayer that the message must give right on time before everything become too late. 

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