Chapter 43:  The Rage of the Mother and for Herself for Being Incautious.

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>> "... Ah, sorry for suddenly embracing you. My bad..." I apologized out after, as Fyrnyr comes inside. We then sit at the couch located at the second floor of the house. Efnir prepared cups of tea for us three after.

"Its fine, I do understand it. Well, where is she?" Fyrnyr asked, cutting the chase off from where we will go. I showed baffled expression as Efnir averts her eyes off.

I dunno how to say the things happened. For this happening is too much to bear out, I can't just explain the things the way how it should be and the way she will understand.

"... Ms. Fyrnyr..." Efnir stated out. Fyrnyr looked at her, as Efnir shows an anguish expression. On her face show the deep pain lurking through, and the fear that I did neglect the taking care of Phyra.

"Ms. Fyrnyr..." I called out.

Fyrnyr then looked at me, as I started fidgeting. Raindrops start falling outside after. The tranquil place heeded up with the droplets of water from above as the tense feeling rises inside me.

How should I put the thing happened? How should I explain, that Phyra, her sole daughter is missing?

"... Phyra, I... I got her lost." In a big lump hanging in my throat I speak those words out. Clenching my hands tight, I looked at Fyrnyr with her stunned look.

"I—-I... I never intended to lose her; I never intended to... let her go far away from me. But everything changes and—-"

"—- And you lost her. You lost her, right?" before I continue to speak out, Fyrnyr added the things I wanna say. Hesitatingly nodded out, I avert my eyes off from her.

"... Sorry." That's the only word I speak out. Silence reign at the whole surroundings. No one tries to speak anything out of the silence. Everything around is an eerie tranquility.

"... You feel sorry for what happened? You feel sorry for what happened to my daughter? I give you my trust and I entrusted her to you... yet why!? WHY!"

I feel Fyrnyr's rage; on her voice is the despair to know what truly happened. I can sense that everything is nonsense now. She stands up and grabbed my neck.

Pushing me down, her grip tightened on my neck.

Her eyes, the eyes of the beast glowing up in the darkness, as her ragged teeth shown up through; wrapping my sight as I started choking because of her strangling.

"Ms. Fyrnyr, that's enough! Please, please stop! Mr. Paul didn't mean to let Phyra off—-"

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" her rage fills through the air as Efnir stumbled down on the floor, looking weak after seeing Fyrnyr's monstrous rage.

I hold onto her wrist while tapping out to loosen a bit. I can't breathe... damn it! My sight starts loosening and the grasps of air slowly fading.

"...Ms. Fyrnyr—- I never—- intended to lose—- Phyra..."

With little grasps of air, and rasped voice, I speak to Fyrnyr. It's too blatant to admit that I got lost Phyra because of negligence. But I intend to make everything right this time.


Tears fall down on her eyes. Fyrnyr now show the mix of anxiousness and sorrow deep through after learning what happened to Phyra. I do understand her fully, and if this thing happens to me as well, I will get raged to someone who is responsible for taking care of her.

It's my entire fault.

It's my fault that Phyra got lost, and there's no idea what will happen. If there is a chance that we will see her, or a chance that I will meet her alive; that's the uncertain and bleak feeling I have.

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