Chapter 04:  The Subsequent of Becoming a Father Figure to My Daughter.

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>> "Papa. Phyra, Papa." At the early noon while we walk on the town, the girl who I gave a name Phyra shouts those words out. Reluctantly accepting the gaze of townspeople around, I keep moving straightforwardly while holding her hand.

"Will you please stop saying it? It's embarrassing!" facing her direction. Phyra stopped and looked at me. "Papa?" this brat. "Come on, call me by my name. Paul. Paul is my name."

"Paul. Your name. Paul. Papa." Phyra answered, tilting her head sideward. Seriously, what does this girl wanted to tell me right now? Is she picking a fight with me?! Heaving a deep and exasperated sigh, I strike her forehead with my fingers. "Ah! Papa!" holding her forehead, Phyra looked at me with upturned gaze. Her expression remained stoic, but tears were about to burst out.

"You should say my name properly. Remember that I'm not your father."

Telling her that, Phyra didn't respond. She remained looking at me without saying anything at all. "Papa." Phyra blurted. "Okay. Yes. You can call me papa!"

This brat, she's really a hassle. Hearing what I've said, her tail wiggles sideward and embraces my waist after. "Papa." From that, her tone became a little frolic.

Seriously, why am I having this? And how does this thing ended up?

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>> A few days ago:

The morning sunlight shines through the open area, hitting my eyelids. It made me feel the warmth of the morning, as my back felt something tough and rough. Opening my eyes, the green lush surroundings of nature, also, my chest feels light. Only the jacket that has stained with blood covering me up right now; looking at it, I got alarmed where that brat goes?

"Where did that brat go?" with a grog voice, I muttered. Then, a huge growl from behind me suddenly heeded out. Is there a monster here? Wait, did the monster eat that brat? And now, I'm lying on the tough and rough thing.

Turning my head from the side, a thick layer of crimson hue scale, like armor captures my eyes; a crimson hue scale, huh? What?

It's quite big, and from the side of my flank are huge claws, around 5 meters in length. The soft growl continues behind me. Lifting my head up, my eyes captures a creature that haven't been seen anywhere before.

The long snort nose, crowned horns on its head; gills-like flippers on the both side; sharp eyes, teeth with sharp razor-like blades, a long neck, and huge pair of bat-like wings flipped on the side and a tail with crimson hue shining through the radiant of morning sun.

"It can't be. . ." out of bewilderment, I stated those words out. My body trembles out after seeing the giant creature that only exist in myths and stories. "A dragon..."

Ah, I spoke it out. Yes, what's with my side right now is a dragon around 17 feet in height. A crimson hue dragon sitting beside me, as it growls softly. "Where's the girl? Did you eat her?! Tell me!"

The dragon remained looking at me, as its head slowly leaned down. Its teeth showed onto me right after, giving me a freaking feeling that I might turn into breakfast meal. However... it sniffed me and blew up a snort out of its nose. What the fuck!?

Then, its tongue lurked out and licks me over. Great, now I'm covering up with saliva and snort from its nose and mouth. It's sticky and disgusting. "Let me guess, you're the kid. Am I right?"

The dragon snarled gently, as it stands and a flashy light cover its body. The beaming light filled the surroundings to form the girl I meet yesterday appeared in front of me.

I Reluctantly Became a Father to Raise a Dragon Daughter In Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now