Chapter 2

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I knocked on the door and waited for his response and then let myself in. I closed the door and held the work against my chest and bowed to him as I entered. You may think that I didn't have to be so formal with him since is my best friend but he was still my boss and I respected that. Without him, I wouldn't have gotten this job. I slowly walked towards him licking my lips because the lipstick I had just applied had a sweet taste. Strawberry? Hum...whatever.

" Mister Jeon here is the work that you asked me to do," I said as I placed the files on his desk. He stayed silent and watched the files that I had just laid on his desk. I glanced at him and came to notice that he was wearing a black turtle neck fitted shirt and a black long coat with black pants. He looked breathtaking. I wasn't going to lie. Despite all of his mad love for me, he was hot and he was an amazing person with a great personality.  He cared for people and would do anything to ensure that he cares for lives happily.

I admire how the turtle neck shirt what tight against his chest as it outlined his perfectly shaped torso. Side of his hair was slicked back with brown highlights as he kept a long gaze on the files while fiddling with his lips between his finger.
I bit into my bottom lip as his dark brown hooded eyes met mines.

I immediately came out of my daydreaming and came back to my senses I mentally cursed myself for thinking this way about Jungkook. Uhhhh....why are you so stupid Y/N he is your friend, not my mention your boss. I mentally slapped myself when Jungkook brought me back into the world again but his time he words caught me off guard.

 I mentally slapped myself when Jungkook brought me back into the world again but his time he words caught me off guard

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"Done starting?" he gleamed as my gaze immediately caught his again that had a proud yet..... sexy smirk plastered across his face. Uhhhhhh!!!!!! Y/N get a hold of yourself. My cheeks began to get hot as I broke the tension between us and looked down while fizzling with my fingers.

"I wasn't," I numbered silently. " Sure, if you say so," he said with a smirk again displaying a cute dimple on the corner of his cheeks.

I didn't know what it was but Jungkook would always make me blush and my entire face would turn red with just his words or even his touch. This confused me because it never happened with Jin.

In college, Jungkook would always corner me and whisper cute and loving words in my ear about how he owned me. I didn't take it on because I knew he just had a crush on me and that feeling would disappear once another girl comes and sweeps him off his feet. He made me feel different but I didn't know why. I felt accustomed to his voice and his touch..... almost as if he was always there with me. But then I grew up as an orphan so I got attached to him and Jin or so I was told. To be honest they are the only two people that I have.

"Have you eaten breakfast?" he asked changing the topic. Oh shit, I'm in trouble! If he knew that I didn't have breakfast he would freak. I was skipping my breakfast meals and I was on a diet. I simply nodded my head as I looked down. I couldn't answer by looking init his eyes because it was an obvious lie.

"Kim Y/N look me in the eyes and say that you had breakfast!" He spoke loudly, his cold gaze piercing through my body as I jump be startled by his loud manly voice.

I slowly raised my head only to look at his raging face. He suddenly stood up from his chair and tucked his hands in his pocket as he made his way towards me shooting daggers with his eyes.

He slowly approached me and I kept walking backwards keeping my distance away from him.

One step.....

Two steeps.....

Three steep.....

Four steeps.....

As I was about to make my fifth step he quickly held my waist pulling me closer towards him. With the strong and sudden force, it made me bump into his strong manly chest. My heart rate immediately accelerated as my hands landed against his torso. I could feel how his heartbeat was and it was beating faster than mines which give me a weird feeling at the pit of my stomach.

I stood frozen as I felt his grip tighter around my waist. I bent my head downwards avoiding his gaze. He grabbed my chin and slowly lifted it until I was staring into his eyes. His dark brown eyes that were so dazzling and sparking that anyone could drown in it......wait what Y/N are you stupid.

I mentally faced palmed myself continually. Then the distance between Jungkook' s face and mines began to decrease. I wanted to push him away but at that moment my body felt paralyzed.

No, wait ...... I didn't have my first kiss yet. I can't lose this opportunity. I wanted it to be with someone I was in love with and spending the rest of my life with. But I couldn't stop him.

I closed my eyes waiting for the moment for his lips to reach mines. But it never did. I immediately opened my eyes and I felt Jungkook's cheek brushed against mines as he slowly whispered in my ears, " Princess you should have eaten. You know how angry I get when you skip meals. And you don't want to know what will happen to you if you listen to me okay. I'll order breakfast for you. Now go back to your office and it will be there shortly."

He whispered these words in my ear as his hands stroked my back lightly sending a chill down my spine.
I was about to rush out of the room as I bowed to have him but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back into his embrace sending shivers down my spine causing my paws to raise again as he spoke, " By the way that lipstick looks better on your lips than I expected."

My eyes widened in shock as he went back to his desk. Once again, I bowed to him and exited the office. I immediately shut the door and leaned behind it trying my best to compromise what happened.

Thoughts raced in my head like crazy. What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I feeling this way? It is just Jungkook. He always did this to me by it never affected me. He bought the freaking lipstick. Omg....... Jeon Jungkook what are you doing to me.


"Remember how we use to talk every day, yeah...I miss that"

I miss that"

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