Chapter 14

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It has been years since Jungkook first met her at the park. Yes in the park. The mean, rich, demanding, stubborn, childish six-year-old Kookie had grown. Grown as he was now in eight grade.

Today made it home mines years since she and Jungkook first met. And I had reached a point where they both were the most popular kids high school as they were boyfriend and girlfriend. Yes, you heard me right, the little Kookie managed to win her heart. They were only fifteen but the way they both admired each other was more than a teen crush. They were best friends. They could tell if they ever bled, which drop belonged to each other. That was the friendship they shared.

Being the romantic boy that he had grown to become, it was a Saturday, and lucky he was off from school. This gave him the advantage to get up the perfect date for his girlfriend to celebrate their ninth year or becoming friends and more.

It was midday when Jungkook had arrived at his girlfriend's house with his mom. His mom had actually known about the relationship between her son and she didn't reject their likings for each other. She supported them.

Jungkook's mom had just dropped him and his girlfriend off the park where they first met.

" My little Mashmello, let's start our perfect day shall we!" Jungkook giggles as he took the girl's hand in his heading to the same ice-cream vendor. "I would like two ice cream, with as much of all the flavors you can fit in that come," he smiled at you, pulling you closer to him.

"Jungkook are you serious," she blushed, slightly looking down at the ground, flustered by how caring and demanding bye boyfriend was. " The first day we met, I told my mom that I wanted to buy all the ice cream there was for you since I couldn't buy you. But I wish I could have. But let's not argue about that. So I want you to have all the flavors now since I can buy it myself." He explained while watching the ice cream vendor making the sweet.

" Here you go my marshmallow," Jungkook handed her the ice cream. " Thank you my Kookie. They both ventured around you he parks until they hand reached the swings that Jungkook tried his best to push you higher and higher that day. But he couldn't since he was weak and you to were practically the same size. That day inspired Jungkook to become physically and mentally strong for her.

He did daily exercises until his mom allowed him to join the gym since he insisted when he started high school.

Now he had the strength and not only swinging his friend, he was proud he was swinging his girlfriend. " Higher Kookie!!! Higher!!!" She gleamed, laughed with all the joy she had as Jungkook pushed her with all his might.

After the swinging, Jungkook took her to a place in the park where she had never been. " Where are we going Kookie?" The innocent girl asked. " Shhhh!!!! Just follow me. Walking for about a few minutes, they had reached a garden. A garden where it didn't seem to have anyone in it, not around it. It looked like spoke didn't even know it existed.

"Wowwwww!!!!" The girl's eyes lit up like a row of lights amazed but the beautiful flowers that decorate the garden and the flight if the numerous butterflies that flew around the garden

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"Wowwwww!!!!" The girl's eyes lit up like a row of lights amazed but the beautiful flowers that decorate the garden and the flight if the numerous butterflies that flew around the garden. "Oh my God Jungkook where did you find this place," she asked in joy, running around the garden playing with the butterflies like a fairytale. Being the one and only Jeon Jungkook he answered, "I have my ways," he tucked his hands in his pocket following his happy and cheerful girlfriend.

"Do you like it?" He asked, admiring his bubbly and cute Marshmallow. "I don't like it," she ran towards his boyfriend," I love it!" And next thing Jungkook knew, his lips collided with his girlfriend ones for the first time. He stumbled in his steps as her hands held his jaw firmly, Jungkook immediately rapidly, removing his hands from his pocket, cupping her neck as they both took each other's first kiss.

The moment lasted a few seconds until she pulled back giggling, heading toward the picnic that Jungkook has set up. Jungkook stood rooted to the spot, touched his lips, wondering how she could be so cool after having her first kiss.

Eyes never leaving you to figure, he sat on the bench next to her as you both eat lunch.

It was about four in the evening, where Jungkook and his girlfriend laid on the ground in the secret garden, with Jungkook's head on his lap. He laid looking at her beautiful figure as she traced shapes on one of her hands while the other ruffled his hair.

"Did you enjoy your day Mashmello? He asked gaining her attention as she seemed hypnotized in his sparkling bright beautiful eyes. "Are you kidding Kookie! This was amazing. I love it! I don't know what I would do without you in my life?"

" That's why I want to spend the rest of my life with your love," he said as he sat up," I want to spend each and every day of the rest of my life with you. I'm a bit too young to get married and we all know this, but I would like to be the man to put a ring on that finger," he explained taking two pieces of long grass and wrapping it around his finger and them grabbing hold of his girlfriend's hand, he placed the green grass ring around her finger.

"It's not real but this is my way of promising you I would become that man one day. I could have bought a ring. I have bought a promise ring instead but the grass is richer and I'm telling you why. This grass is the pure earth. Put nature. There is no other grass in the entire universe that is the exact same and these two strands and that is compared to you, my love. You are unique. No other would be like this grass, like you. I love you, my love," he sincerely spoke, gazing into this girlfriend's eyes.

Her eye watery and before he knew it once again she pulled him into a kiss and lightly pecked his lips. She pulled away looking feeling and into his eyes, trying to figure out which part of his eyes didn't make her melt.

" Now smile to the camera,"Jungkook pulled out a camera that was placed in a basket. " Did you just filed that?" She chuckled. " Yes, it's for us to show our children when we get older, show them how their parents, how their parents admired each other."

"Children?" She questioned. " Of course, later in our life I would love to see a mini Kookie and Mashmello running around the house," he smiled. A genuine smile that actually met his eyes. Because all he ever wanted to be was right in front if his.


His Mashmello................

"Never give up on someone that you've been chasing almost all your life"

________________________________________"Never give up on someone that you've been chasing almost all your life"

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