Chapter 59

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Jeon Jungkook. Yes. Jeon Jungkook.

One may ask why? Why is he still after you?
For all that he knows, you only look at him as a friend, and nothing more. So why?

Since college days, why hasn't he given up. Why does he keep fighting?

Is it because he knew you would eventually fall for him? Is it because his ego was too high, reading that ever woman including you would fall for him?

Because who wouldn't right? He was a young CEO who was rich of Seoul's wealthiest companies, and basically, he had all the girls liner up at his feet. But he never once looked at them.

There were sincere one but then there were not. But he still didn't look that them at way. He only looked at you. With compassion, trust, happiness, fate, sadness, sincerity but what mattered the most was that he looked at you with love.

But we still end up with the question why? Why you?

It was because Jungkook believed in love. He knew what it feels like to love someone. Love someone, cherish them. Having them being the only person you see. Them being the only reason you smile or even wake up in the morning. Them being the person you brought you your happiness, laughter and sometimes you sadness.

Having them cuddle with you, being the reason you laugh, their warmth, there smile, their presence, it's all priceless. You being the one who gives that love and it is returned equally.

He knew. He knew that love mend hearts, warms hearts and also breaks hearts. But how did he know this?

He knew it because he was once deeply in love.

So in love that he could have killed himself for her. He was her. She was the reason he lived. She was the person who made him smile, laugh. She was the one you cured his sadness. She was the one who healed his pains. She was the one he once had a future with. For then to get married after college, have a beautiful wedding, small, neat and perfect, just how she wanted it. After the marriage has a honeymoon, in Paris. The city of love. Because they were that type of couple.

They lived the cliche life. They were basically a twister and Romeo and Juliet. Then he would have kids and grow old together tin grandkids and great-grandkids. They longed for that to happen. He longed for that to happen.

But I guess not every love story ends that way, does it?

So yes he knew what it was like to be in love and be loved by someone who was in love with him and then was none other than his love.

His love, that he would always love forever and eternity.

Kim Soo Yeon.

He missed her words so much.

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