Chapter 49

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{Jimin's POV}


It was a normal day when my dad called me to come to his office that he has something important to discuss with me. I was really excited thinking that he was probably going to talk to me about the business.

I didn't want to end my father's career but I really hoped to take it over one day. For the past year, he has been rarely at the company but doing outside work, as that was what he said, so I figured that he wanted to talk about her company.

I stood outside his office as waited for him to call me in. As his assistant did, I warmly went into his office as I rarely saw him on a weekday. "Apppaaaa!!!!!! Bogoshipda!!!!!' I embraced my father like a five-year-old kid. " I missed you too son, " he broke the hug as he sat down as gestured me to do as well.

"So how have you been, " Mr Park asked. "I'm good. I'm waiting for a call for a company for me to work with them. I waiting for you-" but he cut me off.

" Ahhhhh!!!! Speaking of company, that brings us to the reason I called you here," he spoke. I was really excited as saw this going in a good direction that he would finally be seeing me like the capable son that I always tried to be to see a proud smile on my father's face. I was dumbfounded that he only called to talk about business but Thai moment was special. "Yes, father?"

And then he spoke, " Well Jimin you know that you have always made me proud and you are the ideal son that every father would long to have............." I gleamed awaiting the news, "So, I want you to do some work for me." The words he spoke unconfused me, not quite comprehending his train of thought, "And what that if I may take father.?"

"Well, I have had my people do some work for me and I recently found out that another company is targeting my recent investments. However they gave high security and what they are doing wrong, number one and secondly, they need to be stopped. And since you were looking for a position, they pay really well and they have a vacancy in your field. So I want you to work there." The words speak really made my heart drop. As I was expecting, to have happy news, my father wants me to be a spy? Seriously.

But I had potential in myself and trust in my father as he always knew best. Probably he wanted me to find out the information and also be experienced as I'm not quite enough and then work at the company.

Being the loyal son that I am, "Sure dad. That won't be a problem. So when do I start?" I asked, "Well I talk to the boss a few weeks ago and it's for you to start Tuesday but you are permitted to check out the place on Monday........" He ended.

"Sure that sounds doable. I hope they pay for jeopardising your company. " I added.

"They will son. They will......" My father had a weird but serious expression layered on his face. "I'll send you the information about the company and their background along with what falsehood they have. I might have to warn you. Just be careful. There are some people there that are quite intriguing and they mess with you. Make you feel belonged and trick you. Just...........pleas be aware."

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